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  Ron Paul and the Agony of Defeat
Will Patriots Ever Learn?

John Pittman Hey writes: "Paul never had a prayer of gaining the nomination for one simple reason: Republican Party members do not agree with his principles or his policies. He didn’t lose because he was cheated, or because the Republican voters didn’t know where he stood. He lost because Republicans hate his ideas."
Read the full article here ...
  Skyrocketing Medical Costs
Jon Hill writes: "Fear and lack of information lead some to embrace the concept of a government health care system. One thing is for sure, though. There would be little risk of implementing a national health care system if lawmakers respected the basic requirements of the U.S. Constitution."
Read the full article here ...
  Why Pro-Lifers Should Not Vote for McCain
Michael Lynch writes: "In 1999, McCain ran against George W. Bush for the Republican nomination, and his stance on abortion was one of the major reasons he lost the election. McCain said that abortion is "necessary," that he would not overturn Roe v. Wade, and that reversal of that ruling would endanger the lives of thousands of women.... John McCain will not try to overturn Roe v. Wade. History proves it. Until a few months ago, the Christian pro-life movement knew it. How quickly we deceive ourselves."
Read the full article here ...
  The Moral Duty to Cut and Run
Why America Must Lose the War in Iraq

John Pittman Hey writes: "There can be no reasonable doubt that our invasion of Iraq is a war of aggression against that nation, for Iraq posed no imminent threat against our country or its people. It had not the ability, nor even the intent, to jeopardize our existence. We had no serious cause of disagreement with Iraq to justify war."
Read the full article here ...
  Inflation - The People's Enemy
and Tool of the Expansionary State

Jon Hill writes: "The Constitution makes it clear that it was the intention of the founders, who were formed by their experiences, that we be on a coined-money currency standard."
Read the full article here ...
  North American Legislatures to Receive Integration Proposals on September 30th
Jon Hill and J.C. Schweingrouber write: "Industry and government elites cleverly, stealthily, and incrementally advance their cause of "harmonizing" the trade, immigration, transportation, and security policies of Mexico, Canada, and the U.S." Read the full article here ...
  Time to End Our Involvement in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
National Chairman Jonathan Hill writes: "[George] Washington was wise to revile unnecessary foreign involvements. Unfortunately, our choice of involvement in the Middle East is one of the worst choices possible." Read the full article here ...
  Party Chairman Appears on Alan Colmes' Radio Program
By corrupting our respect for the dignity and worth of other individuals, an effect of abortion is that there is now less that restrains our nation from avoiding unnecessary warfare with other nations. Read the full article here ...    Listen
  Playing Politics with Human Life
Romelle Winters, Public Relations Committee Chairman, writes: "Americans who are committed to ending abortion and stopping euthanasia should back away from the GOP." Read the full article here ...
  Where the America First Party Stands
Romelle Winters, Public Relations Committee Chairman, summarizes the Party's stand on a number of core issues facing our country in these desperate days. Topics covered include Trade and Globalism, Tax Policy, Life, Immigration, Education, Judicial Activism, and the War. Read the full article here ...
  Five Days on the Border
Dan Charles, America First Party National Chairman, recounts his experiences visiting the southern border with Mexico in October 2005. He reports an influx of violence, disease, and very little effort by our nation's leaders to put a stop to it all. He also found some patriotic Americans who are trying to help stop the tide. Read the full article here...
  National Chairman Sets Record Straight on Third-Party Discussions
Dan Charles, National Chairman of the America First Party, responds to a Press Release by the Clarion Call to Converge Committee which distorted the AFP positions and mischaracterized statements made by party leaders. Read the Speech here...
  America Mourns Passing of Reagan
We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of President Reagan. Our thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt condolences go out to the Reagan Family. Our own sadness, and the grief of a grateful nation, is lessened only by the sure knowledge that his suffering of the past decade has ended and he has moved on to a better place. Read the Speech here...
  AFP Chairman Dan Charles addresses the Freedom Drive Rally
"Only Congress can declare war. If President Bush takes us to war, puts our sons and daughters at risk to defend the United Nation's honor, to prevent an imagined threat, without a declaration of war by Congress, then he has violated the Constitution, and he should be impeached." Read the Speech here...
  America Mourns Loss of Shuttle Crew
All America mourns the loss of the shuttle Columbia and its brave astronauts.
Those who are lost followed in the worthy footsteps of our nation's forebears. They all risked great personal danger to discover, to explore, to establish, and to expand this great country, its culture, and its people.
See the rest here...
  War with Iraq?
Cartoonist Kevin Tuma provides a humorous look at one possible reason ... View the Cartoon here...

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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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