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Date   Title
October 23, 2008   English AlJazeera Television
Third Parties Spar over Strategy
April 8, 2007   Cherry Creek News
Newspaper Republishes Party Press Release
January 2, 2007   Agape Press
Cloned Animals in Food Supply a Bad Step, Groups Say
January 1, 2007   Henderson Daily Dispatch
D. C. Doesn't Get It
July 14, 2005   WorldNetDaily
Treaty opponents link vitamins to trade deal
January 31, 2005   Agape Press
Iowa Rep. Claims Life High on Congress's Agenda; Some Pro-Lifers Doubtful
October 17, 2004   Lakeland Florida Ledger
THE OTHER PARTIES: Political Affiliations in Polk Stretch Way Beyond Republican and Democrat
December 1, 2003   The Empire Page
The Bush Jr. and Cheney Record of Failure
November 24, 2003   American Free Press
America First Party Chair Builds From Grassroots Up
July 28, 2003   Talon News Service
America First Party Purges 'Extremists'
July 18, 2003   Annapolis Capital
Help Us Build a Pro-Life Party
May 19, 2003   WorldNetDaily
Will House take up renewal of gun ban?
May 7, 2003   Massachusetts News
Ray Flynn Salutes Activists of Mass. 'America First Party'
April 11, 2003   South Marion (FL) Citizen
America First Looking for Support
April 9, 2003   WorldNetDaily
Parties weigh in on Iraq war
March 21, 2003   South Marion (FL) Citizen
America First - It's a New Party
January 2003   American Family Voice
Freedom Drive Rally Address by AFP Chairman
November 1, 2002   USA Daily
New Political Party On The Horizon
October 3, 2002   Slate
Pat the Bully
September 23, 2002   Washington Times
Inside the Beltway
September 14, 2002   The Vindicator
Traficant gets his campaign under way
September 12, 2002   WorldNetDaily
Party: Make defense of borders priority
August 20, 2002   FOX News
Third Parties Progress Despite Obstacles
August 16, 2002   American Free Press
America First Party Holds First National Convention
May 1, 2002   WorldNetDaily
Former Reformers Establish New Party
April 21, 2002   American Free Press
New "America First" Party Rises From Ashes of Reform Party USA
April 19, 2002   Tennessee State Gazette
Tennessee Reform Party bolts national party organization to form America First Party
April 15, 2002   Rocky Mountain News - Associated Press
Reform Party split as eight state party leaders disaffiliate
America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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