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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Saturday, October 25, 2003
Des Plaines, Illinois

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met in an in-person meeting in Des Plaines, Illinois on Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 9 a.m. Central Daylight Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the National Committee adopted on August 19, 2003.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Dan Charles and Larry Carroll of Colorado
  • Joseph Hoffman of Illinois
  • L. Thomas White and Jon Hill of Massachusetts
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri
  • Ward Chorpenning and John Francis of Ohio
  • George Stryker of Pennsylvania
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois, National Treasurer
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary


  • Tim Lohrmann of Idaho
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Nancy Blankenship of Missouri
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Bradley Maurer and Jim Arft of New York
  • Jim Bunosky of Ohio
  • Dave Thomas and Sam Cross of Pennsylvania
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin

Mr. Jerry Martin was present, first as a guest, and later as a National Committee member from the state of Ohio.

A Quorum being present, the Secretary called the meeting to order.

The National Committee meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Hey delivered the invocation.

Mr. Dan Charles, Chairman Emeritus, delivered a speech welcoming the National Committee members. He outlined the accomplishments of the party to this point, and described several crucial goals that the Party must achieve to ensure future success.

The Secretary presented to the members the Agenda proposed by the Operating Committee.

Mr. Charles moved the adoption of the Agenda. His motion was seconded by Mr. White. A friendly amendment to strike the Platform and Public Relations Committees reports was adopted by unanimous consent. The amended Agenda was adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary reported receiving signed resignations from Ann O'Brien of Colorado and Francis Winters of New Hampshire.

The Secretary reported receiving notice of the election of Mr. Jerry Martin of Ohio to replace Mr. Jim Bunosky on the National Committee. Mr. Charles moved the amendment of the Certified List of National Committee members to strike Mr. Bunosky and add Mr. Jerry Martin of Ohio to the list. His amendment was seconded by Mr. Chorpenning, and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the adoption of the Certified List of National Committee members as amended in its entirety. His motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey presented the Rules Committee Report. He prefaced the reported Resolutions with an explanation of their purpose, which is to make improvements in the party constitution, and to install safeguards against the corruption of the National Committee by persons who do not support the party platform and the rules of the party.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 1 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 1:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 3(c) of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "When called to meeting during the National Convention, and on the day prior thereto, and on the day of the adjournment thereof, short notice by publication in a prominent place at the site of the convention, and upon the door of the meeting room shall be posted, and no additional notice shall be required."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Francis moved the Adoption of Resolution 2 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Hill. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 2:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 5 a new section, which shall read as follows: "Whenever a vacancy shall exist in the National Committee, whether through death or by written, signed resignation delivered to the National Secretary, the National Secretary shall provide notice to the National Committee of such vacancy, and such person's name shall be deemed stricken from the Certified List of National Committee Members."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the Adoption of Resolution 3 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Chorpenning. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 3:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 5 a new section, which shall read as follows: "Whenever a member of the National Committee shall be absent from either a) three consecutive meetings of the National Committee at which a quorum was present, or b) five consecutive meetings of the National Committee, properly called by the Operating Committee or by the National Committee, whether quorum be attained or not, such person's name shall be deemed stricken from the Certified List of National Committee Members."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Roberts suggested that the Rules Committee should study the possibility of creating a rule governing Alternate National Committee members who would be permitted to serve in the place of absent National Committee members.

Mr. White moved the Adoption of Resolution 4 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Francis. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 4:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 7 of the Party Constitution by replacing the word "three" with the word "two"; such amendment shall be effective from and after January 1, 2004.

The Resolution was adopted by overwhelming majority, with Mr. Stryker casting the lone dissenting vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 5 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 5:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 8 of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The National Committee shall, from time to time, adopt and/or amend the Certified List of the National Committee Members. Such adoption or amendment shall be by unanimous consent, or approval by a majority of all the members of the National Committee, whichever may be more practical to obtain."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hill moved the Adoption of Resolution 6 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 6:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 8 a new section, which shall read as follows: "No amendment to insert a name onto the Certified List of Members of the National Committee shall be entertained unless the Committee shall first have 30 days notice thereof, during which time the members may interview the candidate, and shall receive recommendations from the Rules Committee and the Platform Committee as to the suitability of the candidate; but this requirement may be waived for good cause by unanimous consent.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 7 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Stryker. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 7:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 8 a new section, which shall read as follows: "Whenever an unaffiliated state organization shall petition for affiliation by submission of the names of its candidates for membership upon the National Committee, no amendment to insert such candidates onto the Certified List of Members of the National Committee shall be entertained unless the Committee shall first have 60 days notice thereof, and unless the candidates for membership first appear at an in-person meeting of the National Committee; but this requirement may be waived for good cause by three fifths vote of all the members of the National Committee."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 8 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 8:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 8 a new section, which shall read as follows: "Any person whose membership on the National Committee is pending under the foregoing provisions shall be permitted, at the pleasure of the Chair, to attend and participate, but not vote, at meetings of the National Committee."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

By unanimous consent, the National Committee recessed for lunch at 12:30 p.m.

The National Committee reconvened at 2:05 p.m.

Mr. Hill moved the Adoption of Resolution 9 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 9:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 10 of the Party Constitution by adding after the words "power to place" the phrase "and/or retain", and by adding to the end of the first sentence the phrase ", and to remove such persons as do not."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hill moved the Adoption of Resolution 10 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Chorpenning. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 10:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 10(d) of the Party Constitution to read as follows: 'Obedience to the rules of the party, and to any "Code of Conduct" as may have been adopted by majority vote of all the members of the National Committee;'

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 11 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Stryker. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 11:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting after Article III Section 10 a new section, which shall read as follows: "The National Committee shall have the affirmative duty to protect the interests of the Party, its principles, and its platform, and to exercise discipline over its members, officers, and delegates; and shall have the authority to adopt by majority vote of all the members of the National Committee a "Code of Conduct" for all such persons; and whenever it shall appear that the conduct of any such person shall be in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution, the rules, or the "Code of Conduct" adopted by the National Committee, or the best interests, prospects for success, or good order of the Party, the National Committee shall have the authority to decide such matters and take disciplinary action, up to and including removal from office or from the National Committee as provided in this Constitution."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 12 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Hill.

Mr. Carroll proposed a friendly amendment to insert the phrase "outside of any meeting". The amendment was accepted without objection.

The Resolution as amended reads as follows:

Resolution 12:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article III Section 14 of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The National Committee may, outside any meeting, exercise its authority a) to amend the Certified List of National Committee members or to amend this Constitution by the written consent of three fifths of all its members, or b) in any other matter by the written consent of a majority of all its members as follows:"

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the Adoption of Resolution 13 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Hill. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 13:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the last sentence of Article III Section 14(c) of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "At any such time as a resolution shall receive the affirmative vote of the required majority or three-fifths of all the members, as the situation may require, the Secretary shall immediately proclaim the results of the vote and declare the resolution adopted; and"

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 14 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 14:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article IV Section 1 of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The National Committee shall be responsible to arrange and call the National Convention of the America First Party at least once each even numbered year."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hill moved the Adoption of Resolution 15 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. McHugh. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 15:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article V Section 1(a) of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the National Committee at its first in-person meeting in the last half of each odd-numbered year; but if such meeting shall fail to achieve a quorum, said elections shall be held at the next meeting of the National Committee;"

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the Adoption of Resolution 16 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Roberts. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 16:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article V Section 1(e) of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The officers shall be ex-officio members of the National Committee, and shall be counted for the purposes of determining quorum at the meetings thereof."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the Adoption of Resolution 17 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Stryker. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 17:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article V Section 2 of the Party Constitution by appending the following sentence: "The National Chairman shall serve as a spokesman for the Party, and shall suggest direction and provide leadership for the consideration of the National Committee."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Chorpenning moved the Adoption of Resolution 18 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 18:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article V Section 7 of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "The National Chairman shall not exercise a vote in any meeting of the National Committee or the National Convention except in such case as is necessary to break a tie."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved the Adoption of Resolution 19 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 19:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend the Party Constitution by inserting at the end of Article VIII a new section, which shall read as follows: "In any state for which there is no affiliated state party, the National Committee shall be empowered to establish an organizing committee, and to establish rules for the operation thereof; and such organizing committee shall have the privilege to send one observer to meetings of the National Committee, but such observer shall attend at the pleasure of the Chair."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hill moved the Adoption of Resolution 20 of the Rules Committee report. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Charles. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution 20:

Resolved, that the National Committee amend Article XI Section 1 of the Party Constitution to read as follows: "Without prior notice, this Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of all the members of the National Committee."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary delivered a short report. He reported that all the mailings and store orders that had been requested have been shipped, except for a few books. Most of the generic newsletters have been mailed, with enough remaining for one or two more small mailings.

The Treasurer delivered her report. In addition to the detailed written financial statement circulated, she reported that the convention debt has been completely satisfied, and the expenses of this in-person meeting are covered with a comfortable cushion.

Mr. Hill delivered a short Finance Committee report. The fundraising ideas that have been used to this point have been very successful, but the committee is always investigating new ideas for fundraising.

Nominations for the position of National Chairman were opened. Mr. Chorpenning and Mr. Stryker nominated Mr. Francis. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Hoffman nominated Mr. White.

Both candidates delivered short addresses to the membership.

The election was conducted by secret ballot. Mr. Francis received 8 votes; Mr. White received 2 votes; and 2 members abstained.

Mr. Francis was elected as the Party's National Chairman.

Nominations for the position of National Vice-Chairman were opened. Mr. Stryker and Mr. Martin nominated Mr. Hill.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Carroll and seconded by Mr. Roberts, nominations for National Vice-Chairman were closed, and Mr. Hill was elected by acclamation.

Nominations for the position of National Secretary were opened. Mr. Stryker and Mr. White nominated Mr. Hey.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Carroll and seconded by Mr. White, nominations for National Secretary were closed, and Mr. Hey was elected by acclamation.

Mr. Hey moved that the National Committee postpone the election of a National Treasurer, and permit Mrs. McHugh to continue to serve as National Treasurer until such time as she shall submit a resignation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts, and adopted by unanimous vote.

Nominations for the position of Rules Committee Chairman were opened. Mr. Carroll and Mr. White nominated Mr. Charles.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. White and seconded by Mr. Stryker, nominations for Rules Committee chairman were closed, and Mr. Charles was elected by acclamation.

Nominations for the position of Finance Committee Chairman were opened. Mr. Hey and Mr. White nominated Mr. Hill.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. White and seconded by Mr. Chorpenning, nominations for Finance Committee chairman were closed, and Mr. Hill was elected by acclamation.

Mr. Charles moved that the National Committee leave the position of Candidates Committee chairman vacant. His motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and adopted by unanimous vote.

A discussion ensued regarding the Communications Committee chairman position. Mrs. Winters was unable to attend due to illness. It was the consensus of the National Committee to leave Mrs. Winters in the position of Communications Committee chairman.

Nominations for the position of Party Building Committee chairman were opened. Mr. Carroll and Mr. Martin nominated Mr. White.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. Carroll and seconded by Mr. Chorpenning, nominations for Party Building Committee chairman were closed, and Mr. White was elected by acclamation.

Nominations for the position of Platform Committee chairman were opened. Mr. Hey and Mr. Roberts nominated Mr. Carroll.

There being no further nominations, upon motion made by Mr. White and seconded by Mr. Charles, nominations for Platform Committee chairman were closed, and Mr. Carroll was elected by acclamation.

Mr. Hey moved that the position of Ballot Access Committee chairman be left vacant. His motion was seconded by Mr. White and adopted by unanimous vote.

The National Chairman delivered brief remarks upon his election. He exhorted party members to seek the organization of every state and establishment of party executive committees in every county in the country. The time left to rescue our country is short. We must work as hard as we can, with God's help, to restore the Constitution and our precious freedom.

Mr. Charles also urged the importance of Party Building as the chief goal for the party during the next year. It will take much hard work to recruit and organize membership in all fifty states, but it is an essential task that must be pursued.

Mr. Stryker moved the adoption of a Resolution calling for the Impeachment of the President. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Hey.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas, The America First National Committee has adjudged the War Against Iraq to be an unnecessary, improper, illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral misuse of the power and might of the United States Armed Forces and the brave men and women who have volunteered to serve as protectors and defenders of the United States of America and her people; and,

Whereas, The America First National Committee has adjudged the War Against Iraq sets a dangerous precedent for our nation that must be resisted and never allowed to happen again; and,

Whereas, It is only through assuring that the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces are not misused that we can best support their mission to protect and defend the United States of America;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the America First National Committee on this 25th day of October, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Three:

That We demand that no actions be taken that would endanger the lives and well being of our troops currently involved in combat; and,

That We call upon the Joint Chiefs of Staff to refuse orders they know to be immoral and illegal as required by the Uniform Code of Military Justice; and,

That We demand that Congress refuse to fund preemptive wars of colonial conquest; and,

That We demand that our government refocus its national security efforts on securing our ports and our borders to prevent future terrorist attacks; and,

That We demand that Congress immediately impeach the President and remove him from office for waging war without constitutional authority; and,

That We pledge to work for the replacement of every member of Congress who aids, abets, or shields the President in these impeachable offenses.

The Resolution was adopted by overwhelming majority of the National Committee, Mr. Roberts casting the lone dissenting vote.

The National Chairman requested that Mr. Charles assist him in the conduct of future meetings of the National Committee until he gets up to speed on the proper parliamentary procedures.

The National Chairman requested that, during the incapacity of the Press Secretary, Mr. Hey prepare and disseminate the proper Press Releases publicizing the Impeachment Resolution and the just-completed officer elections.

Mr. White moved a Resolution to hold the 2004 Convention in Boston Massachusetts. His motion was seconded by Mr. Hoffman.

After some discussion, Mr. Hey moved to amend the pending Resolution by striking it in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

Resolved, that the National Committee hereby creates a special Convention Committee, charged with the duty to investigate possible sites and dates for the 2004 National Convention, and report back to the National Committee as soon as possible.

His amendment was seconded by Mr. Roberts and adopted by unanimous consent.

The Resolution, as amended, was approved by unanimous vote.

Nominations were opened for the Convention Committee chairman. Mr. Martin and Mr. Chorpenning nominated Mr. White.

There being no further nominations, on motion by Mr. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Hoffman, nominations were closed and Mr. White was elected Convention Committee chairman by unanimous consent.

There being no further business, at the request of the body, Mr. Hey delivered a Benediction.

There being no further business, on motion made by Mr. Carroll, seconded by Mr. White, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.