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Minutes of the Operating Committee of the America First Party

Tuesday, June 3, 2003

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Operating Committee of the America First Party met on Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, pursuant to the previous resolution of the Operating Committee.

The Secretary called the roll of Operating Committee members:


  • Dan Charles of Colorado, Chairman
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, Secretary
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois, Treasurer
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, Finance Committee Chairman
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire, Public Relations Committee Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi, Ballot Access Committee Chairman


  • Gene Lovell of Georgia, Vice-chairman
  • James Edwards of Tennessee, Candidates Committee Chairman
  • James D. Jones of Tennessee, Party Building Chairman
  • Michael O'Brian of Michigan, Platform Committee Chairman

Eric Thomas of Tennessee, Rules Committee Chairman, joined the meeting after the roll call.

With 6 of the 11 members in attendance, a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 9:32 p.m. EDT.

The Chairman led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chairman led the members in a few moments of silent prayer.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of the Agenda as proposed by the Chairman. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered a short report. He reminded the members that Mr. Thomas, Mr. Jones, Mr. Lovell and Mr. Edwards had previously announced their intention to boycott this regular meeting of the Operating Committee. He expressed his regret at their failure to perform their duty under the party's Constitution, and their refusal to represent the members who supported their particular point of view.

The Chairman commented that the purpose of the resolutions on the agenda was to take care of the important business of the party, and resolve the issues that are presently dividing the membership. The Chairman descried the innuendo, false accusations, and cynical attacks upon the members' motives, and urged that they be brought to a speedy end.

The Chairman expressed his hope that all members would attend next week's National Committee meeting and that no boycott would be organized as happened at this evening's Operating Committee meeting.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the May 13 meeting of the Operating Committee. He moved the adoption of the May 13 minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the May 15 vote by electronic mail of the Operating Committee. He moved the adoption of the May 15 minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer reported that she had discovered and corrected a $1200 error in the bank balances, and that a full corrected report would be issued shortly to the entire National Committee.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of a motion calling a National Committee meeting. His motion was seconded by Mrs. McHugh. The motion reads as follows:

Resolution calling for a meeting of the America First National Committee

Resolved by the Operating Committee of the America First National Committee that a meeting of the America First National Committee be convened by teleconference at 9pm EDT on Tuesday, June 10, 2003.

The Chairman called the question on adoption of the Motion to call a National Committee meeting. Mr. Thomas joined the meeting. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote, Mr. Thomas abstaining.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of a Resolution expressing the sense of the Operating Committee regarding debate of the proposed Thomas/Lovell Constitutional Amendment at the next National Committee meeting. Mrs. McHugh seconded the motion.

Mr. Thomas asked for a quorum call.

The Secretary called the roll of Operating Committee members:

Present: Charles, Hey, McHugh, Hill, Winters, Golmon, and Thomas.

Absent: Lovell, Jones, O'Brian, and Edwards.

With 7 of the 11 members present, the Chairman declared a quorum to be present.

(Mr. Thomas informed the Secretary on Wednesday, June 4 that he left the meeting at this time.)

Several members spoke in favor of the necessity to bring the proposed amendment to a vote so that this contentious issue can be finally decided and the party can move forward.

The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution calling for Action on the Thomas-Lovell Resolution

Whereas, At least a strong minority of the National Committee supports a resolution, proposed by Mr. Eric Thomas and Mr. Gene Lovell, to modify the quorum requirements of the Constitution of the America First Party; and,

Whereas, The meeting of the America First National Committee which considered this resolution was adjourned without final action on the resolution being taken causing it to "fall upon the floor"; and,

Whereas, the Resolution in question was not considered or referred by any standing or special committee of the America First National Committee and was presented in its current form less than 24 hours before the meeting at which the National Committee was asked to consider it; and,

Whereas, The debate between the proponents and opponents of this resolution is having a disruptive effect on party unity; and,

Whereas, The members of the affiliated state parties and of the National Committee have both a desire and a need to know how the business of the National Committee meeting will be conducted at the upcoming National Convention and deserve to have this need and desire fulfilled;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Operating Committee of the America First National Committee:

That, It is the sense of the Operating Committee that it is in the best interests of the Party, its membership, and the Membership of the America First National Committee that this resolution be fully and fairly considered at the earliest possible opportunity; and,

That, It is the recommendation of the Operating Committee that the Members be permitted to debate this resolution fully under our rules and that any attempt to end debate, before the 3-for, 3-against permitted under our rules, be rejected and that Members look favorably upon requests by other Members to extend debate; and,

That, It is the recommendation of the Operating Committee that the Members should vote on the Resolution in question, as presented, on its merits and do hereby suggest that members, including the movers, do not attempt to amend, table, or otherwise delay final action on the Resolution in question; and,

That, It is the recommendation of the Operating Committee that Members continue to exercise good judgment in the placing of questions or parliamentary inquiries to assure that the Membership understands what is being voted upon, and should continue not to abuse these basic rights to delay or frustrate the will of the majority; and,

That, it is the recommendation of the Operating Committee that Mr. Thomas and Mr. Lovell submit their proposed resolution at least 5 days prior to the June 10, 2003 meeting of the America First National Committee so that it may be included in the agenda under "New Business"; and,

That, It is the recommendation of the Operating Committee that the Members of the America First National Committee amend the agenda of the June 10, 2003 meeting of the America First National Committee to consider the Resolution submitted by Mr. Thomas and Mr. Lovell as though it were a resolution from a committee and that it be considered first among all committee business to be dealt with; and,

That, the Chair is instructed to read this resolution to the membership before consideration of the Agenda.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hill moved a Resolution recommending that the National Committee reject the proposed Thomas/Lovell amendment. Mrs. Winters seconded the resolution.

The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution Recommending Rejection of the Thomas-Lovell Resolution

Whereas, It was the unanimous belief of the America First National Committee at its Founding Convention and of the drafters of the Constitution of the America First Party that the National Committee should be the sole and final governing authority of the America First Party; and,

Whereas, It was the unanimous belief of the America First National Committee at its Founding Convention and of the drafters of the Constitution of the America First Party that the National Committee should be able to be called into session with ease by a minority of its own membership, primarily as a safeguard against a rogue Operating Committee or officers, or on short notice when necessary and when called at a National Convention; and,

Whereas, It was the unanimous belief of the America First National Committee at its Founding Convention and of the drafters of the Constitution of the America First Party that the National Committee should be able to conduct any business permitted under its Constitution at any meeting--including but not limited to changing its own membership and the list of certified state chairmen of its affiliated state parties; altering the Party Constitution, platform, or principles; replacing the nominees for President and Vice President; creating rules; electing officers; and,

Whereas, It was the unanimous belief of the America First National Committee at its Founding Convention and of the drafters of the Constitution of the America First Party that the primary means of safeguarding the integrity of the America First National Committee and the decisions it makes in governing the party was the requirement that a majority of the Members of the America First National Committee be present at any meeting where business is conducted;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Operating Committee of the America First National Committee:

That, We recommend the rejection of any resolution which makes it more difficult for the National Committee to be called into session or creates any method of calling a meeting that shares the power equally between two or more bodies; and,

That, We recommend the rejection of any resolution which would limit the ability of the National Committee to conduct business it sees fit to consider at the time that it meets; and,

That, We recommend the rejection of any resolution which would strip from the National Committee the protection of requiring that a quorum, defined as a majority of the whole membership of the National Committee, be present for business to be conducted; and,

That, We specifically condemn and urge the rejection of the so-called Thomas-Lovell Resolution, in all forms circulated so far, and any version that violates the principles contained within this resolution; and,

That, The Chair is instructed to read this resolution to the body as part of the Chair's Report.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of a Resolution referring a Resolution to the National Committee for consideration. Her motion was seconded by Mrs. McHugh.

The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution Recommending to the America First National Committee the Removal of Mr. Elmer "E. Z." Million of Oklahoma from the Membership of America First National Committee

Resolved, that the Operating Committee of the America First National Committee does hereby recommend and submit the following resolution to the America First National Committee for consideration during the Adoption of the Credentials Report:

Whereas, Article III, Section 10 of the Constitution of the America First Party states that the qualifications for membership in the America First National Committee include, "(f) Upright moral character and behavior that is a credit to the party."; and,

Whereas, Mr. Elmer "E. Z." Million of Oklahoma has made repeated threats and promises of violence against several members of the America First National Committee; and,

Whereas, Mr. Elmer "E. Z." Million of Oklahoma has stated that there are 17 members of the America First National Committee he intends to visit upon with violence; and,

Whereas, Such conduct could be detrimental to the image of the Party and may result in diminished attendance at the upcoming National Convention;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That, The conduct of Mr. Elmer "E. Z." Million of Oklahoma has been adjudged by this National Committee to be wholly unacceptable and in violation of the requirements for membership in this body under the Constitution of the America First Party; and,

That, Mr. Elmer "E. Z." Million of Oklahoma is stricken from the list of certified members of the America First National Committee; and,

That, We encourage the America First Party of Oklahoma to act expeditiously to fill the vacancy created by this action.

The Chairman commented that this resolution does not remove Mr. Millions from the National Committee, but rather forwards to the National Committee a resolution to do so for the National Committee's consideration. The National Committee may choose to adopt the resolution or reject it, and no judgment can be made by any body other than the National Committee.

The Chairman also commented that the Resolution does not target Mr. Million's personal insults to various members of the party, but focuses solely upon his threats of violence against various members of the body.

Several members opined that the Party cannot tolerate such conduct within its membership.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

There being no further business, upon motion made by Mrs. Winters, seconded by Mr. Hill, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail Info@americafirstparty.org
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.