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Minutes of the Operating Committee of the America First Party

Tuesday, November 4, 2003

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Operating Committee of the America First Party met on Tuesday, November 4, 2003 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, pursuant to the previous resolution of the Operating Committee.

The Secretary called the roll of Operating Committee members:


  • John Francis of Ohio, Chairman
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, Vice-chairman
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, Secretary
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois, Treasurer
  • Dan Charles of Colorado, Rules Committee Chairman
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire, Public Relations Committee Chairman


  • Larry Carroll of Colorado, Platform Committee Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi, Ballot Access Committee Chairman

Tom White of Massachusetts, Party Building Committee Chairman, joined the meeting after the roll call was taken.

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman.

Mr. Hey delivered the invocation. The Chairman led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the October 28, 2003 meeting of the Operating Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes as published. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer delivered a brief report. The balance in the account is approximately $2400, which exceeds the total current outstanding invoices.

The Chairman reported a good interview with the American Free Press this morning. He is also working with other people who might be interested in helping organize several new states.

Mr. Hill presented a brief Finance Committee report. The Finance Committee is recommending that the party send out a membership drive/fundraising mailing to prospects in states without affiliated state parties.

Mr. Hill moved the report's resolution. His resolution was seconded by Mrs. McHugh. After several friendly amendments and re-wording of the Resolution, the resolution reads as follows:

Resolved, that the Operating Committee submit the following resolution for consideration by the National Committee:

Resolved, that the National Committee authorizes the expenditure of funds (not to exceed $1200), for production and mailing of a fundraising and membership drive mailing.

Said mailing shall be to the 2-3,000 most recent prospects who live in a state without an affiliated state party, which should include, 1) a cover letter explaining the membership program, to be written by the Operating Committee not to exceed one page front and back, 2) a second page containing the approved membership form on one side and request for donation on the other, to be designed by the Finance Committee, and 3) a return envelope.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Charles moved that the Operating Committee call a teleconference meeting of the National Committee for next Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill, and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White delivered a Party Building report. A Party Building meeting will be held this Saturday. Mr. White has been calling many contacts and preparing to divide up the contacts with the other members of the Party Building committee.

Mr. White also reported that he has contacted several hotels in the Boston area regarding a possible convention.

A long discussion was had regarding various options for holding a successful convention next year.

Mrs. Winters stated that the Public Relations committee will be holding a meeting Thursday evening to begin planning the next issue of the quarterly newsletter.

Mr. Charles stated that the Rules Committee will begin soliciting members and will hold a meeting Saturday afternoon.

The Chairman reminded the Public Relations Committee chairman of the importance of producing and making available party business cards for widespread distribution. Public Relations will prepare the card design and report back to the National Committee.

Additional discussion was had regarding press releases and how to send them out.

There being no further business, upon motion made by Mr. Hey, seconded by Mr. Charles, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.