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Minutes of the Operating Committee of the America First Party

Tuesday, December 9, 2003

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Operating Committee of the America First Party met on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, pursuant to the previous resolution of the Operating Committee.

The Secretary called the roll of Operating Committee members:


  • John Francis of Ohio, Chairman
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, Secretary
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois, Treasurer
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire, Public Relations Committee Chairman
  • Tom White of Massachusetts, Party Building Committee Chairman


  • Larry Carroll of Colorado, Platform Committee Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi, Ballot Access Committee Chairman

Jon Hill of Massachusetts, Vice-chairman, and Dan Charles of Colorado, Rules Committee Chairman, joined the meeting after the roll call had been taken.

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order by the Chairman.

Mr. Hey delivered the invocation. The Chairman led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Chairman delivered a short report. Things in Ohio are very exciting, and the rest of the country can follow its example. We are getting some good coverage in the American Free Press, and there is a need to find people who can follow up on the many contacts that are flowing into the party.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the December 2, 2003 meeting of the Operating Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes as published. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes of the December 6, 2003 vote by electronic mail of the Operating Committee. One correction has since been made. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes as published and corrected. His motion was seconded by Mr. White and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary delivered a brief report. All the items for the mailing are now at the printer, and the Pitney-Bowes machine has arrived. The Secretary has been working to update the database using the post office NCOA run that he had previously obtained.

The Vice-chairman reported a move underway in conservative Catholic circles to abandon politics and focus on reforming the Church. This is evidence that many are becoming disillusioned by the two party duopoly stranglehold on our political system. In addition, the Massachusetts party is distributing flyers to provoke action on the gay marriage issue in New Bedford. Other state party members in Massachusetts are starting to make waves in the press by promoting the party's issues.

The Vice-chairman warned the members of media attempts to smear the party by linking us with disreputable individuals.

The Treasurer delivered a short report. The Party's bank balance is approximately $2500.

Mr. White delivered the Party Building report. He is steadily contacting people in many states to activate new volunteers, focusing recently on Texas, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, and Georgia. A discussion was had regarding strategies for party building in various states.

The Rules Committee is still in the process of meeting and working on proposals to submit to the National Committee. The next Rules meeting will be held this Thursday evening.

The Public Relations Committee chairman is working on a white paper on the mechanics of writing and issuing press releases. A discussion was held regarding topics for possible press releases. The matter of the President's recent comments on the freedom referendum in China was seen as a good potential topic.

There being no further business, upon motion made by Mr. Charles, seconded by Mr. Hill, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.