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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the Operating Committee adopted on April 20, 2004.

The Chairman led the National Committee meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Hey delivered the Invocation.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Dan Charles of Colorado
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois
  • Tom White of Massachusetts
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri
  • Nancy Blankenship of Missouri
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Jim Arft of New York
  • Bradley Maurer of New York
  • David Thomas of Pennsylvania
  • Sam Cross of Pennsylvania
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, National Vice-Chairman


  • Larry Carroll of Colorado
  • Joe Hoffman of Illinois
  • Tim Lohrmann of Idaho
  • Ward Chorpenning of Ohio
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin

Mr. Gaurav Ahuja joined the meeting after the roll call had been taken.

Mrs. Santa Stryker was present as a guest of the Chairman.

Mr. Martin McClellan was present, first as a guest, and later as a member of the National Committee from Florida.

A Quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order.

The National Secretary delivered a Credentials Report. He reported receiving a Petition for Affiliation from the America First Party of Florida, which designated Messrs. Gaurav Ahuja and Martin McClellan as its representatives on the National Committee.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of a Resolution to Seat National Committee Members from Florida. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White. The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas, the America First Party of Florida was first affiliated with the America First National Committee on July 2, 2002; and

Whereas, Mr. Gaurav Ahuja and Mr. Martin McClellan were seated as members of the National Committee on July 2, 2002; and

Whereas, Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan at all times during their tenure faithfully performed the duties incumbent upon their membership on this Committee; and

Whereas, Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan withstood efforts by that certain faction which sought to corrupt the Party and undermine its rules and its platform; and

Whereas, Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan, at the direction of the Executive Committee of the America First Party of Florida and upon the recommendation of key Party leaders, resigned their positions on this Committee in order to protect their State Party from the actions of said faction; and

Whereas, the membership of the America First Party of Florida in convention assembled has adopted a Petition to Re-Affiliate with the America First Party, and has submitted the names of Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan to serve as its National Committee members; and

Whereas, the Party Constitution grants to this National Committee the sole authority to judge the qualifications for membership and to decide the membership of this Committee; and

Whereas, the Party Constitution imposes strict scrutiny requirements upon the National Committee before any new members may be added to the Certified List of National Committee members; and

Whereas, the Party Constitution permits the National Committee to waive these requirements for good cause; and

Whereas, Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan are well known to the members of the National Committee, and it is apparent that they possess fidelity to the Party, its Rules and its Platform; and

Whereas, the America First Party of Florida has ballot access and an enrolled membership of over 200 registered voters;

Now therefore the America First National Committee does hereby FIND, ORDER, and ADJUDGE:

That the circumstances and the facts in the matter of the seating on this Committee of Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan are extraordinary and unique; and

That there exists good and sufficient cause to waive the scrutiny requirements of Article III Sections 11 and 12 of the Party Constitution and to seat Messrs. Ahuja and McClellan on this Committee immediately; and

That it is in the best interests of the Party that the America First Party of Florida should take its place as an affiliated State Party instanter; and

That the aforesaid provisions hereby be waived, and the Certified List of National Committee members be, and hereby is amended to include the names of Mr. Gaurav Ahuja and Mr. Martin McClellan as members from the state of Florida.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous consent.

Mr. Gaurav Ahuja joined the meeting.

The Secretary reported receiving notice of the election of Mr. Joseph Spitzig of Ohio to the National Committee. Both the Rules and the Platform Committees have adopted resolutions recommending that Mr. Spitzig be seated on the National Committee.

Mr. Hey moved the amendment of the Certified List of National Committee members to add Mr. Joseph Spitzig of Ohio to the list. His amendment was seconded by Mr. White and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of the Credentials Report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Winters moved the adoption of the Agenda. Her motion was seconded by Mr. White. The Agenda was corrected, and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered his report. His trip to Washington, D.C. permitted him to attend several meetings and promote the Party. The literature was very well received. A meeting was held with Congressman Tancredo and the staffers of several others.

The spam attacks against the party internet facilities continue, although steps have been taken to minimize the damage.

The Chairman urged the National Committee to increase its participation on the standing and special committees. There is much work to be done and more hands and minds are needed to accomplish the important committee tasks.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes for the February 10, 2004 meeting of the National Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote, Messrs. Hill, McClellan, and Ahuja abstaining.

The Secretary reported that the Generic Newsletter has been received and that around 2000 copies have already been mailed out. The Secretary referred the members to his written report for further details of his activities.

The Treasurer referred the Committee to the full Report that has been published on the Reflector and on the Agenda web page. The current account balance is $248.57, and there are no outstanding obligations to be paid.

Mrs. McHugh moved the acceptance of the Treasurer's Report. Mr. Hill seconded the motion, which was adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman thanked Mrs. Santa Stryker for being present at this meeting of the National Committee.

The Chairman read the following Resolution:


Be it remembered that George Stryker was a man who exhibited a deep and abiding faith in His Savior; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was a man of peace; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was a man of conviction; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was an man of his word, and a true and faithful friend; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was a true patriot; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was instrumental in the creation and longevity of the Populist Party of Pennsylvania through his leadership; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was instrumental in the incorporation of the Populist Party of Pennsylvania into the America First Party; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was instrumental in the education of an untold number of Americans through the publication of "The Keystone Sentinel"; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was a wise counsel to his fellow members of the America First National Committee; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was a source of inspiration to the entire Party membership through his dedication to the restoration of a God-fearing, Constitutional Republic as the government of the United States of America; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker was an inspiration to us all during his courageous battle against cancer; and,

Be it remembered that George Stryker lost that battle on April 4, 2004 after a long and good life;

Now, therefore, be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we extend our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Santa Stryker, his family, and his friends and ask that God's compassion be upon them; and,

That we acknowledge that we are diminished by his passing; and,

That we pledge to use our memory of him as a source of strength and inspiration; and,

That we rededicate ourselves to our mission and to his, and to fight for God and Country until our last days, as did he.

The Resolution was moved by Mr. Thomas and seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Thomas extended his thanks to the party for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution.

Mrs. Stryker thanked the National Committee for this honor to her late husband. She expressed her assurance that we would all continue the fight for our Nation. She urged the party members to follow the Scriptural admonition to "follow peace with all men," and to love our enemies. She promised that she would continue to be involved in the party and the fight until the Lord calls her home.

The Chairman requested that Mr. Hey present the Rules Committee report. Mr. Hey reported that the Rules Committee has been working very hard, and there is much work that is still in progress. Meanwhile, the Rule Committee has forwarded six resolutions for the consideration of the National Committee at this time.

Mr. Hey moved the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Arft. After a friendly amendment, the Resolution reads as follows:


Be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That an Outbound Only e-Mail List be created called "Committee Monitor" whose e-mail address shall be ""; and,

That the purpose of this list shall be to aggregate and broadcast the content of standing and special committee reflectors to interested members of the America First National Committee; and,

That the qualifications for membership shall be a) membership on the Certified List of National Committee members, state party leaders, and committee members and b) a stated interest in receiving this content; and,

That the Operating Committee shall take care to assure that all members of the National Committee are invited to join this e-mail list on at least a monthly basis; and,

That the National Secretary shall ensure that all members of the America First National Committee who express interest in joining this list shall be made members of it.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote, Mr. White abstaining.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Maurer. The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas the America First National Committee has a responsibility to party members to ensure that party reflectors are not a source of computer malicious software infestation; and,

Whereas the America First National Committee has entrusted the Officers with the duty to administer the website and the other computing facilities; and,

Whereas several America First Party reflectors have been the target of cyber attacks and both real and fictitious party e-mail address have been "spoofed" to spread malicious computer programs;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That the Operating Committee is instructed to develop and post prominently on the website a party policy regarding cyber-security, privacy, and malicious software; and,

That this policy shall describe how the party deals with private information, the internet, and viruses and shall not be a public policy statement, nor a part of the party platform; and,

That the reflector rules shall be amended to include a new rule which states, "Should the reflectors, e-mail system, or website be subjected to cyber-attack, the National Party Officers shall be permitted to take whatever temporary steps they deem necessary to ensure the integrity of party resources."; and,

That Rule 9 of the Reflector Rules is amended to include a new sub-rule, numbered "h", which states, "Posting attachments of types not approved by the Operating Committee."

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas at the February 10, 2004 meeting of the America First National Committee, a resolution was approved entitled "Resolution to Ensure the Integrity of Party Database Assets" which allows information to be shared with persons who are designated "Organizer" by resolution of the Party Building Committee; and,

Whereas the Party Building Committee has requested that the National Committee give further guidance as to the qualification, duties, and responsibilities of an "Organizer"; and,

Whereas "Organizers" will be a vital asset to the Party Building Committee and the development of new state parties and must be trusted party members;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That an "Organizer" is defined as a person designated by resolution of the Party Building Committee to assist the Party Building Committee in the dissemination of information from the National Party to prospects and National Membership Organization members within a particular state, prior to the establishment of an Organizing Committee in that state; and,

That "Organizer" is not a granted title nor is an "Organizer" an appointed leader for that state nor is an official contact person for the America First Party in that state, and shall not be listed or referenced as a contact person for the Party in that state; and,

That the Party Building Committee shall have the power to designate one or more "Organizers" for any particular state by a resolution adopted by a 3/5ths supermajority of those present and voting; and,

That the Party Building Committee may remove such designation by a resolution adopted by a simple majority of those present and voting; and,

That the qualifications for a person designated an "Organizer" shall be:

  1. Membership for at least 30 days
  2. An interview by the Party Building Committee
  3. A demonstrated commitment and Activism through successful and continuing participation in the Activist Program by bringing in new members and contacts, raising funds for the national party, and demonstrating an ability to lead in public; and,

That the duties of an "Organizer" shall be to assist the Party Building Committee in promoting the America First Party and developing an Organizing Committee in their state by following the directions of the Party Building Chair or his or her designee; and,

That all "Organizer" designations in a given state shall expire upon the creation of an organizing committee in that given state by the America First National Committee.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by White. The Resolution reads as follows:


Be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That, no person may be designated as a representative of the America First Party in either an official or unofficial capacity unless they are a member of an Affiliated State Party or the National Membership Organization.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. McClellan. After a friendly amendment, the Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas the America First National Committee has both a right and a responsibility to ensure proper oversight of the Standing and Special Committees of the America First National Committee and any committees subsidiary thereto; and,

Whereas one area of concern is the calling of meetings of Standing and Special Committees;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That each Chair of a Standing or Special Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that this resolution is adhered to by his or her committee; and,

That notice of a call to meeting must list who is calling the meeting, the time, date and place of the meeting, and a proposed agenda; and,

That the caller of a meeting of a committee, be it the committee chair or one-fourth of the membership of the committee, shall send a "Call to Meeting" notice to both the Leaders Reflector and the Committee's Reflector at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Such meeting shall be called a "regular meeting" and the agenda shall be amendable; and,

That with specific and good reason a "special meeting" may be called on less than 72 hours notice, but such meeting shall have an agenda limited to specific topics which require action in less time than the normal notice requirements allow. Such agenda is not amendable and no business may be conducted which is not on the published agenda.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the following Resolution. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Maurer.

Mr. White moved to table the Resolution. The motion died for lack of a second.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas the America First National Committee has both a right and a responsibility to ensure proper oversight of the Standing and Special Committees of the America First National Committee and any committees subsidiary thereto; and,

Whereas one area of concern is ensuring that members of the America First National Committee are aware of the business conducted at Standing and Special Committees meetings;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That each Chair of a Standing or Special Committees shall be responsible for ensuring that this resolution is adhered to by his or her committee; and,

That draft minutes of meetings of the Standing and Special committees shall be posted on both the Leaders Reflector and the Committee's Reflector within 72 hours of the completion of the meeting; and,

That if at the next meeting of the Committee the draft minutes are amended, the amended minutes should be published with an introduction explaining the changes; and,

That the minutes shall reflect the manner and timeliness of the call to meeting; and,

That the minutes shall list those members present, those members absent, and any non-members present, and shall state if a quorum was present or not; and,

That the minutes shall state the actual start time, date, and place the meeting was held, and the adjournment time of the meeting; and,

That the minutes shall reflect the mover, the seconder, any amenders, the text of the motion or resolution and the result and manner of the vote, for all motions and resolutions of the body.

The Resolution was adopted by overwhelming majority vote, Mr. White casting the lone vote against it.

Mr. Thomas moved to re-open consideration of the RESOLUTION TO CREATE MAILING LIST FOR MONITORING COMMITTEE REFLECTORS previously adopted. His motion was seconded by Mrs. McHugh and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Thomas moved that the Resolution be amended to replace the phrase "all members of the National Committee" with the phrase "all persons qualified for membership" in the final two paragraphs of the Resolution as previously adopted. His amendment was seconded by Mr. Hey and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Resolution as amended was moved for re-adoption by Mrs. Winters. Her motion was seconded by Mr. McClellan. The Resolution as amended was re-adopted by unanimous vote.

The question of the scheduling of the National Convention this year was discussed in detail.

The Chairman again urged the members to participate more fully on the various committees. All state party members are eligible to join these committees.

Mr. White discussed briefly the work of the Convention Committee.

There being no further business, Mr. McClellan moved that the National Committee adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and adopted by unanimous vote. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.