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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 9 p.m. East Coast Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the Operating Committee adopted on July 26, 2010.

The Chairman led the National Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Hey delivered the Invocation.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Jonathan Hill of Massachusetts, National Chairman
  • John Wagner of Michigan
  • Dan Eller of Michigan
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary and Treasurer
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Joe Spitzig of Ohio
  • David Thomas of Pennsylvania
  • Samuel Cross of Pennsylvania


  • Peter Browning of Florida
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri
  • Steven Meier of Ohio
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin

A quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:13 p.m.

Mrs. Winters moved that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Her motion was seconded by Mr. Spitzig. The Agenda was approved by unanimous vote.

The Credentials Report was reviewed. There being no amendment, Mr. Hey moved that the Certified List of National Committee members as recited during the roll call be adopted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Wagner and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered his report. He recited the miserable economy that we face and prospects that it could get dramatically worse. He mentioned problems attracting dedicated activists, and the possibility that this will change with the worsening financial crisis. He urged the Committee to consider calling an in-person meeting to elect new officers.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes for the October 27, 2009 meeting of the National Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes. His motion was seconded by Mr. Eller. The minutes were adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer referred the Committee to the full Report that has been published on the Reflector and on the Agenda web page. The current account balance is $8158.82; there are no unpaid invoices at this time. The required monthly FEC reports have been prepared and submitted to the FEC; they may be reviewed on the FEC's public web site.

Mr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Operating Committee's Resolution to remember Tom White. His motion was seconded by Mr. Hey. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution Remembering Tom White

Whereas, a dear friend and patriot, Tom White, was laid to rest on April 29th, 2010;

It is hereby resolved by the America First National Committee that Tom White be always remembered for:

1. His steadfast support for the principles of the America First Party from its inception;

2. Standing for his beliefs, whether popular or not;

3. For his friendship, advice and encouragement to many of us during difficult times;

4. For his expressed devotion to God, and for putting his principles into numerous good actions;

5. For his continued service over many years despite failing health.

Be it also resolved, that his sacrifices and those of all other departed members of the America First Party be not in vain, and that the defense of principles which are so necessary for peace and prosperity be forever continued, both in honor of their memory and in devotion and gratitude to our generous and loving God.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Spitzig moved the adoption of the Finance Committee's Resolution to Fund the Party Newspaper. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution reads as follows:

The Finance Committee's Newspaper and Fundraising Letter Budget Request

Resolved, by the National Committee of the America First Party:

That, up to $3,700 be spent on the printing and mailing of 5,000 copies of the America First Leader newspaper; and,

That, the Finance Committee is authorized to send a fundraising letter to the membership and donor list within 45 days after the mailing of the next newspaper issue.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Finance Committee's Request to Purchase Bumper Stickers. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution reads as follows:

The Finance Committee's Bumper Sticker Budget Request

Resolved, by the National Committee of the America First Party:

That, up to $900 be spent on the printing, handling, and shipping of 5,000 America First Party bumper stickers.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Spitzig moved the adoption of the Finance Committee's Resolution to Purchase T-Shirts. His motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas. The Resolution reads as follows:

The Finance Committee's T-Shirt Budget Request

Resolved, by the National Committee of the America First Party:

That, up to $650 be spent on purchasing and printing an assortment of 50 AFP T-shirts.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the Operating Committee's Resolution on Attacking Iran. His motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution of the National Committee To Condemn any Unlawful and Improper Attack upon Iran

Whereas, the making of war by the United States of America may only be justified when the safety and security of our people and our homeland are imperiled; and

Whereas, our nation has experienced the bitter fruit of adventurous and undeclared wars that have sullied the rightness of our cause, damaged our reputation abroad, imperiled our brave fighting men and women, and shed innocent blood; and

Whereas, the nation of Iran does not possess the capacity to threaten our nation or its people; and

Whereas, the government of Iran has long pursued the peaceful use of nuclear power, and is entitled as a sovereign power to do so; and

Whereas, there is no evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons in violation of its treaty obligations; and

Whereas, Iranian nuclear weaponry, were it to be developed, would not pose an existential threat to the United States and would not form the basis for armed attack upon the nation of Iran by the United States; and

Whereas, the nation of Iran has not invaded or commenced warfare against any other nation for many centuries; and

Whereas, the nation of Iran has been the subject of intense pressure by the United States and other nations with regards to its nuclear fuel enrichment program and internal political affairs, and has been subject to unsubstantiated accusations that it is developing nuclear weapons; and

Whereas, there have been implied threats by the government of the United States to carry out a policy of "regime change" against Iran;


That it is not the business of the United States to solve the world's problems, to install ideal governments, to extend so-called "democracy" abroad, or defend the interests and safety of any nation other than our own; and

That United States foreign policy must be restrained by the Constitution, and therefore not be directed to purposes such as regime change, nation building, and policing the world, when such policing is not necessary for U.S. national security; and

That this nation has no cause for war with Iran, her people, or their leaders, unless they seek to harm our people or this beloved land; and

That unless and until the nation of Iran lifts its hand against our people, our homes, or our countryland, there can be no just, moral, legal, or practical cause for armed conflict between us; and

That we deplore the growing efforts to foment hatred and fear of the nation of Iran solely for the purpose of fanning the flames of war hysteria; and

That calls for armed attack against Iran are morally and legally unjustified; and

That under these circumstances, we denounce any effort to carry out armed attacks, blockades, embargoes, or lesser acts of war against the nation of Iran by either our own country or, at our government's instigation or support, by our allies or proxies abroad; and

That any such attack against Iran is an act of war, and without the mandatory Congressional Declaration of War is repugnant to our Constitution, to the principles and ideals of our nation, to basic principles of morality and justice, and to the peace and security of the United States; and

That should the President institute unlawful and improper use of the armed forces of the United States against the nation of Iran, the America First Party shall call for his immediate impeachment and removal from office.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Dr. Cross moved the adoption of the Operating Committee's Resolution on Extrajudicial Executions. His motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution on Extrajudicial Executions

Whereas, both the Bush and the Obama administrations have proclaimed the government's right to assassinate and/or execute individuals off the field of battle, whether they be citizens of the United States or foreign persons, if the Executive or his subordinates deem such persons to be enemies of the United States and posing a danger to it; and

Whereas, these executions are to be carried out by CIA operatives, so-called "Special Ops" forces, or regular personnel of the United States Armed Services; and

Whereas, many such "targeted executions" have already been carried out by remote controlled weaponry, including unmanned drone aircraft and missile attack, and

Whereas, the Administration has claimed the right to carry out such executions in any country on the face of the globe, whether such country is in a state of declared war with the United States or not; and

Whereas, the Administration has engaged in this conduct without judicial review or warrant from a court of law, and without any legitimate adversarial finding of the guilt of the targeted victims;

Therefore Be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That the intentional extra-judicial killing of any person off the field of battle and outside of direct combat action, where such person does not pose a direct and immediate threat to life or limb, is an act of deliberate murder and is condemned by this body, and ought to be condemned by every decent and honorable person; and

That all such dishonorable conduct has been held to be a war crime by the United States Government since at least the mid-19th Century, and that, according to the Lieber Code Section 148:

The law of war does not allow proclaiming either an individual belonging to the hostile army, or a citizen, or a subject of the hostile government an outlaw, who may be slain without trial by any captor, any more than the modern law of peace allows such international outlawry; on the contrary, it abhors such outrage. The sternest retaliation should follow the murder committed in consequence of such proclamation, made by whatever authority.

That the Executive Branch of the United States Government, under both Presidents Bush and Obama, has been engaged in barbaric murder on a large scale by authorizing and carrying out such extra-judicial killings during the past decade; and

That no claim of Executive Authority, Qualified Immunity, or the Power to Wage War in defense of the Nation, can overcome the blood-guiltiness of the President and his agents, whether in or outside of the military; and

That these actions, as well as the conspiracy to organize and commit them, constitute criminal conduct under Federal Law and under the Law of War, which must be brought to justice, even if the President himself is implicated; and

That the extra-judicial murder of American Citizens, even if they have been declared Enemies by the Executive, are in addition repugnant to the 5th Amendment to the Constitution, which provides that no person may be deprived of life without due process of law; and

That the murder of American citizens under the claim that they are enemies of the United States is expressly barred by Article III Section 3 of the Constitution, which defines the crime of Treason and requires conviction in a court of law before any punishment may be meted out; and

That the Executive's declaration of the right to assassinate American citizens constitutes a conspiracy to commit murder, and to breach the 5th Amendment and Article III Section 3; and

That we call for the impeachment of any officer of the United States, including the President, who has participated in such conspiracy or actually carried out such murders, these actions being high crimes and misdemeanors; and

That we call for the investigation, indictment, arrest, prosecution, and conviction of the President and every agent of the government who has participated in these barbarities or in the conspiracy to commit them.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

A lengthy discussion took place regarding the need to call an in-person meeting of the National Committee. The Michigan party has volunteered to host a meeting in Ypsilanti. The Chairman and Secretary will attempt to collect information from all the members regarding when and whether they can attend such a meeting.

A time of general discussion and questions took place.

There being no further business, upon motion made by Mrs. Winters and seconded by Mr. Spitzig, the meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 10:44 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.