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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Monday, 19 August 2002


Boulder, CO - The newly formed America First Party held a successful Founding Convention August 8-11 in Orlando, Florida. The delegates from 19 states unanimously approved a party platform. "We have set a tone of unity and a course towards victory. Together we adopted a platform that relies on the wisdom of our nation's Founders. We will use it to fight to restore faith, freedom, and the Constitution to their rightful place," said National Chair Dan Charles.

The America First National Committee met on the 8th, completing the business of adopting a Party Constitution, electing officers and committee chairs, and credentialing convention delegates hours ahead of schedule. The general sessions of the Founding National Convention opened the morning of August 9th, with a joyous show of unity. The delegates participated in an opening ceremony unfurling the flags of each affiliated state. These banners remained as a backdrop for the remainder of the convention.

"This wall of flags serves as a reminder to us all of the cooperation shown during the formation of the new Party," said National Vice Chair Gene Lovell. Party Building Chair JD Jones stated, "Our goal is to establish state parties in all 50 states within a year. In addition to the 19 presently affiliated states, another 12 are working toward recognition within weeks."

The delegates then turned their attention to their primary task of adopting a party platform. Platform Committee Chair Roger Simmermaker presented a five section platform: "Preserve and Protect Our People and Our Sovereignty", "Promote Economic Growth and Independence", "Encourage The Traditional Values Of Faith, Family, and Responsibility", "Ensure Equality Before The Law In Protecting Those Rights Granted By The Creator", and "Clean Up Our Corrupted Political System". These platform sections correspond to the five sections of the Mission Statement and Founding Principles of the America First Party.

Mr. Charles continued, "I am very pleased both with the content of the platform and the quality of the debate and amending process. We have adopted a strong platform that clearly establishes the America First position on a wide range of issues. We want a foreign policy that protects our nation and our borders and keeps us out of wars that are none of our business. We want to protect American jobs and American industry. We took an unequivocally strong pro-life stance, positions that will restore the independence of families, and stop the government from debasing our shared values. Our party and candidates will work to destroy a complicated, confusing, and unfair tax code by eliminating the income tax and the IRS and replacing them with a national sales tax and economically sound tariffs. We also pledge ourselves to re-invigorate our Constitution and Bill of Rights by requiring the federal government once again to abide by those documents."

The convention completed its business a day early, making Saturday night's America First Banquet a true celebration. In addition to Mr. Charles' "State of the Party" address, which was broadcast nationally, attendees heard from several AFP candidates including James Edwards, Cameron Bates, and James Traficant. Mr. Traficant, who is currently being held as a political prisoner by a corrupt judicial system, appeared by videotape with a special message to the convention focusing on the need for a return to moral and Constitutional government.

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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