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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Put America First in Defense Procurements, Mr. President!

Boulder, CO - The America First Party condemns President Bush's stand against the "Buy American" amendment recently adopted by the House of Representatives. Part of a defense authorization bill, the amendment requires that 65% of components in items bought by the Pentagon be made in the United States. In addition, machine tools must be 100% U.S. made.

The Administration claims that the Buy American requirements may lead to retaliation by other countries and an inability to obtain some necessary components. There has even been the hint of a veto by President Bush, who is willing to discard a policy that would bring jobs to American workers and boost our sagging economy.

John Pittman Hey, Secretary of the America First Party, stated: "It is disappointing, but no longer surprising, that George Bush has once again subordinated job creation at home and our nation's security to foreign interests. Can you imagine George Washington deferring to European interests in a matter so vital to our nation's defense? Our leaders must begin again to put American interests and American security first."

Jim Arft, Chairman of the AFP in New York, commented: "Globalists such as President Bush favor the profits of the multinational corporations and their dreams of empire over the very basic necessity of jobs for the American people." He continued, "The promotion by the government of a 'Buy American' policy would bring jobs to many unemployed workers and offer an incentive to other companies to return manufacturing jobs to this country. Good paying jobs would be encouraging to many young people who feel disheartened by the scarcity of opportunities open to them."

Joseph Hoffman, National Committee member from Illinois, declared: "A 'Buy American' policy has the best interests of this country at heart and would be a signal to large corporations that there are skilled workers in this nation who would provide loyalty and stability to our defense industry." He further observed: "It is common sense that our defense supplies should be made in this country. During the Iraq war there was a delay in obtaining a component from a Swiss manufacturer. This is much less a possibility with goods manufactured in the United States."

Francis Winters, National Committee member from New Hampshire, stated: "Although many elements of defense products are no longer manufactured in this country, an expanded 'Buy American' policy would encourage start-up businesses to begin to manufacture these products. The growth of our economy is necessary to keep our citizens employed and the country on a viable, growing course. Safety, security, and jobs are important to the success of our country, and a 'Buy American' policy is absolutely essential to bring about those ends. It is unconscionable for George Bush to cave in to foreign pressures that will destroy the well-being of this country."

Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2
John Pittman Hey, National Secretary, (662) 374-6172


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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