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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Abortion Rights Theology a Threat to Life

Boulder, CO -- The America First Party strongly denounces yesterday's repulsive decision to block implementation of the congressionally approved "Partial Birth Abortion Ban". In a cold-blooded declaration, Judge Phyllis Hamilton placed a woman's right to murder her child as the paramount consideration over the pain endured by the child. The suffering by the young child is insignificant when compared to the convenience of the mother -- who becomes the mother of a murdered baby.

National Chairman Dan Charles stated: "The central tenet of abortion rights theology is the notion that some human beings are more valuable than others. This revolting political theology led to the enslavement and lynching of African-Americans, the shoveling of Jews into Nazi ovens, and the murder of millions throughout the communist world. In holding the Partial Birth Abortion Ban unconstitutional, Judge Hamilton has declared that some types of people are disposable for the convenience or emotional satisfaction of others. Thanks to her ruling, one of the most repugnant ideas of the 20th century has re-entered the human lexicon."

In a statement released in November 2002, the party questioned Republican commitment to protecting innocent life. In that statement, Missouri National Committeewoman Nancy Blankenship stated, "The partial birth abortion ban does not go far enough. Congress must overturn Roe vs. Wade and include in the legislation provisions that remove it from [judicial] review...This [type of] language has been included in legislation since shortly after the Constitution was implemented. In fact, Tom Daschle removed forestry management provisions from the Supreme Court review but only as it relates to South Dakota. What is true for trees in his home state should be true for human beings, wherever they are conceived."

Had congressional Republicans heeded this prophetic statement, a single rogue judge in San Francisco could not stop the Partial Birth Abortion Ban.

National Press Secretary Romelle Winters asserted, "The failure of Congress to protect the lives of our nation's innocent and helpless has inevitably led to this vile decision by Judge Hamilton. So-called 'pro-life' members of Congress could have prevented this predictable outcome, but they chose not to save innocent lives. Instead, they supported a defective bill to pacify their base and keep the issue alive for this election. We contend that many who voted for this bill were more interested in re-election and fundraising than in saving babies' lives."

The America First Party encourages all citizens who respect human life to tell their representatives to remedy this abhorrent assault on decency and civilization. We also remind the American people that President Bush has not stopped the murder of even one baby.

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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