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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate Lacked Key Elements

Boulder, CO - Following the first "debate" between Republican George Bush and Democrat John Kerry, America First Party National Chairman Dan Charles has issued the following statement:

"The American people were twice shortchanged tonight. The foreign policy and homeland security debate this evening was missing two key elements: a recognition of the need to secure our borders and control immigration; and, candidates with better judgment regarding Iraq than either President Bush or Senator Kerry.

"The most important lesson our leaders should have learned from the attack of September 11, 2001 is the need to control our borders. More than half of the terrorists who participated in that attack were in this country illegally. Yet, neither of the candidates on that stage tonight seem to have learned that lesson.

"While Senator Kerry did say, 'You've got to close the borders,' unfortunately he was talking about using US troops to secure the Iraqi border. While President Bush did brag about minor increases in the still woefully understaffed US Border Patrol, he spoke about training tens of thousands of Iraqis to patrol their borders and ignored the more than 3,000,000 illegal aliens crossing our southern border this year alone. How many of those are terrorists?

"America First Party candidates and elected officials are focused on this essential element of homeland security. Neither President Bush nor Senator Kerry have the character or the good sense to take on their corporate backers or the ethnic lobbies and enact policies that secure our borders and make the American people safer.

"The second way the American people were shortchanged tonight was through the exclusion of other candidates, who are on a sufficient number of ballots to prevail in the Electoral College. Through the exclusion of these candidates, the public only heard the Bush-Kerry justifications for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Both candidates allowed on the stage were wrong before the war and are wrong now.

"Nine months before the invasion of Iraq, the America First Party passed a resolution which stated that, while the Iraqi regime was a threat to its neighbors and its own people, Iraq was not a threat to the American people. Both President Bush and Senator Kerry wrongly believed then and wrongly believe now that it was.

"In that same resolution, the America First Party strongly stated its belief that the Constitution should be followed and that the Founders' wisdom should prevail. The 535 members of Congress should never cede to one man, the president, their sole authority to declare war. Yet, President Bush asked for, and Senator Kerry voted for, just such an unconstitutional transfer of power. Now, both still believe it was the right thing to do. Indeed, they both believe the President should always have that authority.

"Had other voices been allowed on the stage tonight, the American voters would have heard a view on Iraq that differs from the flawed Bush-Kerry policy.

"The America First Party has not nominated a presidential candidate in 2004, in keeping with its plans since the party's founding just two years ago. The Party will be considering an endorsement at its next National Committee meeting in mid-October. Based on what we have heard tonight, neither President Bush nor Senator Kerry should hold out much hope for our endorsement."

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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