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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Bush Appointees Help Murder Terri Schiavo
GOP Cannot Be Trusted on Life

Boulder, CO -- In response to the refusal by the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals to grant a rehearing in the Terri Schiavo case, America First Party National Chairman Dan Charles issued the following statement:

"Conservatives and Pro-Life activists have long been trapped in the Republican Party by the fiction that the GOP is Pro-Life. Billions of dollars and hundreds of millions of votes have gone to the Democrat and Republican Parties and their various front groups based solely on that fiction. That fiction was laid bare for the world to see by today's 10-2 decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals not to even hear the appeal by Terri Schiavo's parents. Those who voted GOP on the promise of Pro-Life judges must wake up to the fact that they were snookered.

"Republicans control the 11th Circuit, with GOP Presidents appointing 7 of the 12 judges. Six of those Republican appointees--the one Reagan appointee and all five appointed by the current President or his father--voted so as to continue the cruel and inhumane murder by starvation of Terri Schiavo. Four of the five Democrat appointments voted the same way.

"The two judges who voted to give Terri Schiavo a chance to live are Judge Tjoflat, a Ford appointee, and Judge Wilson, a Clinton appointee.

"Among the many GOP appointees voting with the culture of death is Judge William Pryor, appointed by the current President Bush right after he finished prosecuting former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. Judge Pryor argued for Justice Moore's removal from office for the heinous act of putting up a monument that said in part, 'Thou Shall Not Kill.'

"The Associated Press, Reuters, and other news organizations are all reporting the vote was 10-2 to refuse the Schindler's request. Terri's parents are seeking an expedited hearing of their appeal that their daughter be given food and water while they litigate to save her life from the deadly desires of an unfaithful husband with suspect motives. He only 'remembered' that his wife wanted to die after receiving a large malpractice settlement and finding out that his mistress was pregnant with the first of their two children.

"Time is running out for Terri Schiavo. The GOP controlled Florida Legislature and Congress have both failed her. Legal options are nearly gone. Maybe President Bush should declare Terri Schiavo an 'enemy combatant' under authority of the PATRIOT Act, which would allow him to take her into custody and hold her for years, without court redress.

"Or maybe the GOP should turn its attention to the more than 25,000 babies that have been disemboweled since the state started to starve Terri Schiavo to death last Friday.

"The good people of this nation who care about life need to understand the half-hearted 'Pro-Life' gestures by the GOP for what they are: snow jobs to keep the Pro-Life constituency in line. When it comes to stopping the killing, the GOP can't get the real job done because the GOP is not Pro-Life."

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


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