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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Friday, April 15, 2005

Party Growth Empowers People to Take America Back

Boulder, CO - In the three years since the founding of the America First Party, the party continues its rapid growth. Party leaders attribute this rapid growth to the party's strong and consistent message, the betrayal of American values by the two-party duopoly, and the grassroots activism of party members.

National Chairman Dan Charles said, "On April 15, 2002, the America First Party was founded on three ideals. First, that a principled party was needed, one that remained true to the principles of our Nation's founders, was honest in its dealing with the American people, and would uncompromisingly stand-up for America and all Americans. Second, that unless you win elections, you cannot govern. Third that to be successful, a carefully planned long term grassroots strategy must be adopted and executed, focusing on elections you can win or effect."

In 2002 and 2003, more than half of the Party's candidates received between 15 and 25% of votes cast, and several came within a handful of votes of winning election. In 2004, the Party's candidates won two-thirds of the offices they sought. Those elected officials are proving they can govern effectively and in the best interest of their constituents, by remaining true to the Principles and Platform of the America First Party.

The Party's consistent message is resonating with many of the American people. The Party recognizes that the first step to protect our culture and our nation is to secure the borders and implement a rational immigration policy. The Party is promoting trade, tax, and fiscal policies that focus on what is best for all the American people, not just those who can contribute large sums to the two parties. The Party is committed to the traditional values that are the cornerstone of our nation and its Constitution, which our nation's founders knew were what made it possible for people to govern themselves. To many, the Democrats and Republicans seem to be jostling over how best to destroy the nation designed by our Founding Fathers.

People who care about this country are beginning to realize there is a third party that is viable, one that can effectively defeat the planned convergence of thought supported by the Democrats and Republicans. They are joining that Party in droves. The America First Party has seen a tremendous increase in its membership, with members in more than 45 states.

The America First Party website ( is becoming an increasingly popular place for those Americans sick of the "say one thing, do another" Republicans and Democrats. In the past year, the Party's website has seen more than 2.1 million visits. Due to the volume of calls, the Party has recently been forced to substantially increase the number of volunteers answering the Party's toll-free line (1-866-SOS-USA-1).

Mr. Charles concluded, "With a major fundraising drive near ready to begin to assist 2006 candidates, new state parties preparing to come online, and the rapid growth continuing, the America First Party is confident we can help the American people take their country back. The American people seem to share this confidence."

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.