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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Decades After Roe vs. Wade, Pro-Lifers Still Don't Get It

Boulder, CO - Thirty seven years after the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision, the death toll continues to mount, with no end in sight. With about 50 million U.S. surgical abortions now performed, the carnage is on par with that of World War II. A tragedy that began with a GOP dominated court and an invented "constitutional right," continues after many decades of continual domination of the court by Republican nominees.

As former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin aptly stated, "While the national Democratic Party proudly touts itself as being 'pro-choice,' (meaning, pro-murdering unborn babies), it has been the so-called 'pro-life' Republican Party that is mostly to blame for legalized abortion being left as the law of the land for nearly 4 decades."

While the GOP controlled the court for the last 37 years, Congress was also GOP controlled for 6 years, starting in 2000. During that period, Republicans had ample opportunity to live up to their pro-life rhetoric, but failed. They could have passed the simple legislation, called the Right to Life Act (RTLA), which defines the fetus to be a "person" under the 14th Amendment. In Roe, the court affirmed that doing precisely this would prohibit its jurisprudence from authorizing more abortions. But sadly, only about 25% of the House members supported RTLA, while the Senate often failed to generate a solitary sponsor.

Although many trends led to the onset of abortion in 1973, a proximate cause is failure to respect the U.S. Constitution. And yet, 37 years later, pro-life political strategy has rarely acknowledged this when endorsing candidates. Oddly, some pro-lifers now advocate supporting pro-abortion GOP candidates, believing that these will still support a Republican president's judicial nominees; they strangely believe that such nominees tend to be strict constructionists. The most recent evidence of this is the debacle in Massachusetts, where pro-lifers endorsed a strongly pro-abortion candidate, Scott Brown, despite having a more principled third party alternative. Brown, a Lieutenant Colonel in the National Guard, supports the unconstitutional war in Iraq.

The result of this policy is a continual diminishment of respect for constitutional principle, both in Congress, and in the leadership of the Republican Party. Today, this strategy is partly responsible for the continuation of abortion, as well as for many troublesome federal policies both at home and abroad which endanger national prosperity and stability.

Jonathan Hill, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Michael Lynch, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


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