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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Friday, June 29, 2012

Supreme Court Decision: We Warned Against Roberts in 2005

Boulder, CO - The America First Party is not surprised by Justice John Roberts' decision in the Obamacare lawsuits. After all, the Party warned Americans about how dangerous Roberts was way back in 2005 when President Bush nominated him for the position. With this latest disastrous betrayal of the Constitution by Justice Roberts, the Bush II Presidency has once again shown itself to be the gift that just keeps on giving.

Roberts had a track record of trampling on property rights, the rights of innocent and helpless babies, and basic principles of fairness and justice before he ascended to the High Court. In two press releases, the AFP called the public's attention in 2005 to his penchant for stealing private property by government force, countenancing abortion which takes an innocent life, confiscating private funds to pay for unconstitutional government programs, and ripping off torture victims -- including American war veterans -- of their monetary awards for damages against the government of Iraq.

Former National Chairman Dan Charles said at the time: "President Bush had promised the American people that he would nominate a constitutionalist Supreme Court Justice in the mold of Justices Scalia or Thomas. Many conservatives held their noses and voted for the President only because they believed that promise. When he nominated Judge Roberts to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, President Bush broke that promise."

Now in this, one of the most devastating strikes against Constitutional liberties in the last half century, Roberts provides the crucial vote to uphold the so-called "health care mandate" under the taxing powers of the Federal Government. The notion, that a penalty is really just a tax, is ludicrous on its face, but now opens a pandora's box of regulations and prohibitions and mandates masquerading as new "taxes."

National Secretary John Pittman Hey stated: "There is no limit, under Roberts' reasoning, to the vexatious rules and onerous mandates that the Federal Government can squeeze past the Constitution. Any regulation, no matter how far afield from proper constitutional governance, no matter how great an insult to the sharp limits on federal power enshrined in the Constitution, will now be fair game."

Mr. Hey concluded: "Justice Roberts' violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution is proof once again that Republicans cannot be counted on to nominate qualified, decent, Constitutionalists to the High Court. This betrayal tears away the last excuse that Republican hacks have always used to coerce patriots into pulling the lever for the Republican nominee. The bitter lesson learned is this: keep voting for Republicans, and expect to continue to have your rights stripped away by their judges."

Jonathan Hill, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
John Pittman Hey, National Secretary,


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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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