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Resolution in Support of the Troops and in Opposition to the Policy that Endangers both Them and the Peace

Whereas, At the Founding Convention of the America First Party the convention body did pass a Resolution stating the party's opposition to an undeclared war against Iraq and condemning the current administration for its efforts to move our country towards illegal and immoral military conflict; and,

Whereas, In the intervening months, the President has presented no evidence that the state of Iraq has any intention or capability to attack the United States of America or her people; and,

Whereas, In the intervening months, the President has presented no evidence of any substantial connection between Iraq and those who attacked us on September 11, 2001 or other terrorists that threaten the United States of America; and,

Whereas, In the intervening months, the President has presented no evidence that the state of Iraq has obtained weapons of mass destruction for any use other than its own; and,

Whereas, In the intervening months, the President, the CIA Director, and other administration officials have stated repeatedly that military action against the state of Iraq will likely result in increased terrorist activity directed at the American people and may assist recruitment by terrorist organizations; and,

Whereas, Our Nation's Founders created a system of government wherein the military is under civilian control, with the power to declare war granted solely to Congress and the power to command the troops residing solely in the hands of the President in his role as Commander-In-Chief; and,

Whereas, The United States Armed Forces are composed of volunteers, true heroes and patriots, who have dedicated themselves to protect our Constitution and our people; and,

Whereas, the making of war by the United States of America is justified when the safety and security of our people and our homeland are imperiled; and,

Whereas, We acknowledge that the current Iraqi regime is a brutal and murderous dictatorship, that is a threat to the well being of its own people and may be to its neighbors as well; and,

Whereas, Congress has not declared war upon the state of Iraq and does not have the constitutional authority to delegate that power to any other branch of government;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved by the America First National Committee on this 1st day of April, in the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Three:

That, We enter this dark period in American history with the full knowledge that our brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces will continue to demonstrate their courage, skill, loyalty, and honorable nature, and shall comport themselves with charity and care, making every effort to avoid unleashing their war making skills on innocent civilians; and,

That, It is both an immoral and unconstitutional misuse of the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces to commit them to battle without proper constitutional authority; and,

That, It is both an immoral and unconstitutional misuse of the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces to commit them to battle in Iraq for the benefit of other nations or peoples, or to enforce the resolutions of the United Nations; and,

That, It is both an immoral and unconstitutional misuse of the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces to commit them to battle for the purpose of changing the leadership of Iraq, which has not threatened the United States of America or harmed its people; and,

That it is both an immoral and unconstitutional misuse of the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces to secure the borders of other nations while leaving our own borders unsecured; and,

That, The blame for this misuse of the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces falls squarely on the shoulders of our elected representatives and leaders and on those in our nation who support their decision; and,

That, We demand that our government refocus its national security efforts on securing our ports and our borders to prevent future terrorist attacks; and,

That, We demand that our government immediately locate and deport all illegal immigrants from our shores and institute an immediate moratorium on immigration for the present time, to prevent future terrorist attacks; and,

That, Though we oppose this unlawful war, we support the brave fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces and pledge to use every peaceful and lawful method at our disposal to ensure their safe return to our shores.

(Adopted by the America First National Committee on April 1, 2003)


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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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