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Resolution Endorsing Michael A. Peroutka for President of the United States

Whereas the America First Party has since its founding adopted a strategy of focusing its resources on elections we can win or affect; and

Whereas the America First Party has therefore decided not to enter the 2004 Presidential race; and

Whereas neither Mr. Bush nor Mr. Kerry seek to secure our borders, a critical first step to ending the threat of terrorism, and both support open-border and amnesty policies by whatever Orwellian word games they play; and

Whereas both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry promote trade policies that harm American workers and their families and engage our workers in a great race to the bottom of the wage scale for the benefit of multinational corporations; and

Whereas neither Mr. Bush nor Mr. Kerry will work to promote our unique American culture and protect the most innocent among us from dismemberment by either the abortionist or the embryonic stem cell researcher; and

Whereas both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry lacked the judgment to recognize that Saddam Hussein may have been a threat to his neighbors and own people, but had no connection to the 9/11 attacks upon our nation and was no threat to the United States of America and her people; and

Whereas both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry have misused the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces by invading and occupying Iraq and have thus not supported our troops; and

Whereas both Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry support the notion that the President alone should have the authority to take our nation to war, instead of the method based on the wisdom of our nation's Founders and embedded in our beloved Constitution--which relies on the judgment of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and the 100 members of the Senate; and

Whereas neither Mr. Bush nor Mr. Kerry can be counted on to otherwise adhere to the limitations on the power of the federal government contained in the plain text of the United States Constitution, to support or respect the family, or to respect the God given rights of every American to live in freedom and with faith; and

Whereas neither Mr. Bush nor Mr. Kerry, whosoever may win this election, endorse policies consistent with the Principles and Platform of the America First Party; and

Whereas the policies promoted by Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry are substantially closer to those of each other than those in the best interests of the American people and it therefore makes little difference which of them is elected; and

Whereas the America First National Committee has a responsibility to stand up to the misguided, the negligent and the corrupt; and

Whereas the members of the America First National Committee must fulfill our responsibility to our fellow countrymen by making our best recommendation as to whom to vote for President; and

Whereas, Michael A. Peroutka is a dedicated Constitutionalist; and

Whereas, Mr. Peroutka's running mate, Chuck Baldwin, is a true patriot;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That the America First National Committee accepts the endorsement of the Principles and Platform of the America First Party by Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Michael A. Peroutka; and

That we hold that pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution political parties have a responsibility to extend a hand of friendship and support to candidates of political parties of similar outlook, when those parties' candidates are not in competition with each other, regardless of whether those other parties reciprocate or not; and

That the America First National Committee does hereby endorse and recommend that its members and all other citizens of good conscience and principle cast their vote for Michael A. Peroutka and Chuck Baldwin for President and Vice President of the United States, because it is the right thing to do; and

That in making this endorsement for President of the United States of America, the America First Party is not endorsing the Preamble, Platform, Structure, Party Building Strategy, or Electoral Strategy of the Constitution Party.

(Adopted by the America First National Committee on October 12, 2004)


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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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