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Resolution Supporting HR 3333 to Make English the Official Language

(Adopted by unanimous vote of the National Convention on August 10, 2002)

Whereas, one of the Founding Principles of the America First Party ("AFP") is to "Protect English as our common language"; and

Whereas, as a result of prior Congressional legislation and a substantial increase in both legal and illegal immigration, there has been an increasing level of requirements at all levels of government in the United States to provide services in languages other than English; and

Whereas, these requirements place an increasing funding requirement upon local and state governments as well as the Federal Government, including major agencies and offices; and

Whereas, these requirements have resulted in the development of a divisive, multicultural mentality among citizens and immigrants, rather than an integration of immigrants into the existing culture of the United States, and a feeling (if not an actuality) of immigrants having "dual citizenship", with a weakening rather than strengthening of the fabric of the United States, creating conflicts in the allegiance of citizens to this Nation; and

Whereas, the public safety (as well as emergency personnel) has, in numerous instances, been placed in jeopardy when emergency personnel cannot converse with others in the emergency area; and

Whereas, the public language demands are increasing as other populations than the historic Hispanic are now becoming a larger demand for these services; and

Whereas, the U.S. Bilingual Education efforts have not been effective in providing immigrants with the needed motivation and capability to converse in English;

THEREFORE, the AFP herewith endorses the passage of HR 3333 by the House of Representatives and the subsequent introduction into and passage by the U.S. Senate; and

That the AFP (1) issues a National Press Release on this action and (2) through direct communications encourages AFP members to promote among their communities a "Grass Roots" effort with friends, neighbors, family and organizations to promote support and early passage of this House bill by their Senators and Representatives, as well as acceptance of this bill by the President of the United States.


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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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