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Special Rules Governing Submission and Consideration of Resolutions from the Convention Floor at the National Convention of the America First Party

(Adopted by the National Committee on August 8, 2002 at Orlando, Florida.)

Section 1: These Rules shall govern the submission and consideration of any main resolution or amendment brought to the convention by a delegate that in any manner affects the platform, policy, or public position of the America First Party on any matter. These Rules shall not apply to regular or subsidiary motions made as part of the routine conduct of convention business.

Section 2: All Resolutions must be reduced to writing, shall name the maker of the Resolution, and shall be headed by the appropriate caption as follows:

a) A Resolution which seeks to adopt, amend, or expand the Platform shall be titled, "Resolution to Amend the Platform", followed by a brief sub-title describing the particular subject of the Amendment;

b) All other Resolutions shall be titled "Resolution of the National Convention", followed by a brief sub-title describing the subject of the Resolution.

Section 3: Each Resolution to amend the Platform shall specify in the first sentence thereof the Section and, where applicable, the Plank that is to be amended.

Section 4: Each Resolution must bear the signatures of at least one fifth of the Convention delegates, to include at least one delegate from each of five states, before such Resolution may be considered by the Convention; and each signer shall provide a legible printed name and state alongside said signature.

Section 5: All Resolutions shall be filed with the National Secretary or his designated assistant, who shall mark thereon the date and time of submission; and the National Secretary shall verify that the required number of signatures has been met.

Section 6: Each Resolution to Amend the Platform bearing the required number of signatures shall be presented by the National Secretary to the Platform Committee Chairman, who shall ascertain whether such Resolution is germane to the Section and Plank described therein; the Platform Committee Chairman shall endorse the Resolution with the word "Refused" if he determines the Resolution to be non-germane or out of time; and such refused Resolution shall be returned immediately to the National Secretary. The Secretary shall notify the maker of the resolution of such refusal.

Section 7: A Resolution shall be refused by the Platform Committee Chairman as "out of time" if it is submitted after the disposal of that portion of the Platform Committee report to which it would be germane.

Section 8: The Presiding Officer shall, at the appropriate time during the presentation of the Platform Committee report, recognize the maker of each Resolution that has been adjudged timely and germane; and such resolution shall be treated as an amendment of the platform committee report, and shall require a three-fifths vote for adoption.

Section 9: All remaining Resolutions which bear the required number of signatures shall be called up for consideration by the Presiding Officer in the order of descending number of delegate signatures, and in the case of multiple resolutions bearing the same number of signatures, in order of submission to the National Secretary.

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
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Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.