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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, pursuant to the call issued by the Chairman and Secretary as provided for in the rules of the party.

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 9:09 p.m. EDT.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members:


  • John Verser of Arkansas
  • Marcel Dietze and Wanda Weatherford of Colorado
  • O. Gene Lovell and Diane Lovell of Georgia
  • Guadalupe Lynch and Maureen McHugh of Illinois
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Francis Winters of New Hampshire
  • John Fey, James Edwards and James D. Jones of Tennessee
  • Blake Buffington and Wes Anderson of Texas
  • Dan Charles of Colorado, Chairman and Treasurer
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, Secretary


  • Billie Deeter and Allan Hampton of Arkansas
  • Ryan Walters and Phillip Carnaggio of Mississippi
  • Pat Dolan of Colorado
  • Jay Gardner of Iowa
  • John Wassenaar of Illinois
  • Jean Martha Groves and Ted Maravelias of New Hampshire
  • George Pangborn of Texas
  • Phil Anderson of Georgia

Dave Doyle of Iowa joined the meeting after its call to order.

Romelle Winters, Public Relations Chairman; Roger Simmermaker, Chairman of the Reform Party of Florida; John Clark of Maryland; John Francis of Ohio; and George Stryker of Pennsylvania also attended the meeting as observers.

Ed Moses, Jim Monagan, Helen Leka, Floyd Atchley, and George Radzwillas attended the meeting, first as observers, and then as members of the National Committee.

A quorum being present, the National Committee meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Secretary delivered the invocation.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the agenda that had previously been circulated. Mr. Lovell seconded the motion, and it was adopted unanimously.

The Chairman moved that the agenda be amended to take up the Credentialing items first. His motion was seconded by the Secretary and adopted unanimously.

The Secretary informed the Committee that Mr. Doyle, Chairman of the America First Party of Iowa, had reported the election at the state party convention of himself, Mr. Moses, and Mr. Jim Monagan as the National Committee members.

The Secretary moved the amendment of the Certified List of National Committee members to strike Mr. Gardner and to add Mr. Ed Moses and Mr. Jim Monagan as National Committee members from the State of Iowa. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lovell and adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee.

The Secretary reported receipt of a Petition for Affiliation signed by Mrs. Helen Leka on behalf of the America First Party of Connecticut. The petition submitted the names of Leka, Atchley, and Radzwillas as the National Committee members from Connecticut.

The Secretary moved the amendment of the Certified List of National Committee members to add Mrs. Helen Leka, Mr. Floyd Atchley, and Mr. George Radzwillas as National Committee members from the State of Connecticut. His motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee.

The Chairman gave a report to the Committee. He gave praise all around to the Party Building Committee, the Convention Committee, and the Public Relations Secretary for jobs well done. Several new organizing committees have just gone active, with more in the works as the AFP sweeps across the nation.

The Chairman reported his contacts with James Traficant, and the kangaroo court proceedings to which he has been subjected. The consensus was that the Party should endeavor to assist the Congressman in receiving justice in the Courts.

Mr. Lovell moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that the America First Party supports efforts by any lawful means to effect the ouster of Federal District Court Judge Lesley Wells for gross acts of Judicial Misconduct during the proceedings brought against Congressman James Traficant of Ohio.

The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Weatherford and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Secretary moved that the Minutes of the June 1, 2002 meeting of the National Committee be approved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Jones and adopted by unanimous vote.

A discussion was held regarding communication with state party members. The suggestion was made that state parties be required to submit their membership lists for addition to the Chat reflector. Further discussion led to the conclusion that the states should be encouraged to provide such lists in order that the Convention Committee and other committees might be able to contact state party members with important party information.

The Secretary reported further work to refine the party's database and to include all prospects who have contacted the party for any reason.

The Treasurer gave his report: since the last meeting, there have been $78.14 in expenses, and the party now has approximately $3200 in the bank.

The Treasurer reported his progress toward establishing a web site for making available party-related merchandise on-line. He has made contact with a company that will manufacture t-shirts on demand and will also manage other inventory items for the party, in addition to handling order fulfillment and credit card processing.

Mrs. Winters gave a short Public Relations Committee report. Press releases are steadily going out and contacts being made. The Secretary brought up the need for a public relations committee reflector so that interested parties can help craft press releases and make comments on them before they are published.

Mr. Jones delivered a Convention Committee Report. The contract has been signed with the Orlando Airport Renaissance.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

Whereas, the America First National Committee has authorized the necessary contracts to hold a founding convention in Orlando, FL, August 8-11, 2002;

Be it Resolved, that the America First Party Founding Convention shall be held August 8-11, 2002 in Orlando, FL at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel; and,

That the National Committee does hereby authorize and instruct the party officers to issue a call to convention to all affiliated states to be postmarked by July 8, 2002 or 1 week following State Party affiliation application if after that date; and,

That the Call to Convention packet shall be sent to every known delegate ten days prior to the convention, which shall include a preliminary agenda, draft Rules and Platform committee reports, and other materials the officers or committee chairs deem appropriate.

The resolution was seconded by Mr. Jones, and adopted by unanimous vote.

A long discussion was had regarding the pricing of the Celebration Dinner. The issue revolved around whether the dinner ticket price was to be considered a fundraising item, or whether fundraising would take place at the dinner.

Mr. Fey moved that the ticket price be set at $35 per person, with a $15 charge for children. His motion was seconded by Mrs. McHugh and adopted by affirmative vote of all the members save Mr. Monagan, who cast the lone dissenting vote.

Mrs. McHugh and Mrs. Lovell volunteered to organize and conduct the Silent Auction to be held at the Celebration Dinner.

Mr. Lovell brought a proposal to the committee to permit a party member, Mr. Bill Sharp from Tennessee, to make professional photographs on the floor of the convention for purchase by the members. Mr. Sharp will handle all aspects of the order-taking and billing, and will provide free candid shots for the party's use. This arrangement will mean the party will not have to engage its own professional photographer using party funds.

Mr. Jones moved that the National Committee authorize Mr. Bill Sharp to conduct his photographic business on the floor of the convention, with the understanding that the party will be provided with free candid shots for its use. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Lynch and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey delivered the Rules Committee report. The Committee has a reflector set up and is conducting business. A draft Constitution has been prepared and is being circulated to Rules members for comment and criticism. The Rules Committee believes it will finish its work on the Constitution by the middle of July. This will leave plenty of time to craft a set of standing rules for the Convention.

The Party Building Committee report was given by Mr. Jones. Several state organizing committees have been formed, with more in the works. Contact persons were named, including Wes Anderson for New Mexico and Oklahoma, Dave Doyle for Minnesota, Trey Golmon for Alabama and Louisiana, and Romelle Winters for Vermont and Maine.

Mr. Edwards delivered the Candidates Committee report. He has sent out a survey to state party leaders, and is in the process of collecting information on party candidates who are running for elective office.

Mr. Edwards moved that the party's candidates for public office be listed on the web site, and that those candidates who are endorsed by a state party but who are running on other party tickets or who are not members of the state party, be listed in a separate section. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lovell and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision outlawing the Pledge of Allegiance was discussed. The sense of the members was that the decision was an incredible abuse of judicial review and an outrageous attack against our country.

Mr. Lovell moved the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, brave patriots fought and died to bequeath to all Americans a noble heritage of freedom; and,

Whereas, those Founders of our Nation pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, declaring that they did so with "a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence"; and,

Whereas, the America First Party seeks to encourage Faith as one of our Nation's traditional values through the recognition of our Judeo-Christian heritage; and,

Whereas, the Flag of the United States of America is precious in the sight of all those who love our Country; and,

Whereas, our Pledge to that Flag is a solemn affirmation of allegiance to the noblest, sweetest, and most precious ideals of the Country we love;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we hereby condemn Federal Appeals Court Judges Alfred T. Goodwin and Stephen Reinhardt for their unprovoked and dastardly attack upon that Flag and its Pledge; and,

That we hereby deplore this latest attack by the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals as yet another act of judicial tyranny, following in a long line of usurpations of the United States Constitution and of the rights of the people; and,

That we hereby denounce the members of the United States Senate, hypocrites, cowards, Republicans, and Democrats all, who have replaced the performance of what is now their required and sacred Constitutional duty with meaningless condemnations of the men they themselves put on the federal bench; and,

That we hereby demand that Congress uphold its sacred duty to protect and defend the Constitution by the immediate adoption of Articles of Impeachment by the House, and Conviction and Removal by the Senate of Judges Goodwin and Reinhardt, so that the Judges of this Country may know that their place and their duty is to uphold and defend the Constitution, and not to trample upon the rights of the people and help destroy America.

The resolution was seconded by Mr. Jones and adopted by unanimous vote.

A discussion was had regarding selection of a keynote speaker for the Convention.

The Chairman moved the adoption of the following Resolution:

Resolution of Invitation to Rep. James A. Traficant, Jr.

Whereas, James A. Traficant, Jr., a uniquely independent member of the US House of Representatives from the state of Ohio, promotes in both word and deed public policies supported by the membership of the America First Party and enunciated in the Principles of the America First Party-including but not limited to the abolition of the IRS, the securing of our borders, the restoration of Constitutionalism and responsible and open government, and trade policies that are in the best interest of our nation's working people; and,

Whereas, James A. Traficant, Jr. has proven himself a unique quantity in Washington, by forcefully, persuasively, and entertainingly advocating commonsense truths, at every opportunity, that seem to elude many of his colleagues at all levels of government-truths which resonate and are celebrated by everyday Americans in their daily lives and interactions, and truths that, if ignored, will lead our country to ruin-for examples the dangers of a loss of sovereignty through NAFTA and GATT, the UN, the ICC, and his unheeded warnings concerning a hostile China;

Therefore, be it now resolved by the America First National Committee:

That, We do hereby invite Ohio Representative James A. Traficant, Jr to address our convention as the Keynote Speaker of the Founding Convention Speakers Program.

The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Weatherford and adopted by unanimous vote.

A discussion was had regarding the services of a Parliamentarian at the Convention. The Chairman pointed out that it would be his duty to appoint a Parliamentarian as required.

The Chairman moved that the next meeting of the National Committee be held by teleconference on July 2, 2002 at 8 p.m. EDT, and that the agenda be limited to Credentialing matters and discussion of Convention related items. His motion was seconded by Mr. Lovell and adopted by unanimous vote.

There being no further business, upon motion made by Mrs. Weatherford, seconded by Mrs. Lynch, and adopted by unanimous vote, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.