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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at 9 p.m. East Coast Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the Operating Committee adopted on February 7, 2006.

The Chairman led the National Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Hey delivered the Invocation.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Dan Charles of Colorado, National Chairman
  • Martin McClellan of Florida
  • Peter Browning of Florida
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois
  • Tom White of Massachusetts
  • Jon Hill of Massachusetts, National Vice-Chairman
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Bradley Maurer of New York
  • Jim Arft of New York
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Joe Spitzig of Ohio
  • Ward Chorpenning of Ohio
  • Sam Cross of Pennsylvania
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary and Treasurer


  • David Thomas of Pennsylvania
  • Nancy Blankenship of Missouri
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri
  • Larry Carroll of Colorado

Tim Lohrmann of Idaho joined the meeting after the roll had been taken.

John Wagner attended as a representative of the Organizing Committee in Michigan.

A Quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:25 p.m. ECT.

Mr. Chorpenning moved the adoption of the Credentials Report. The motion was seconded by Mr. White and adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee.

Mr. Hill moved the adoption of the Agenda. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters. Mr. Hill moved an amendment to add a Resolution referred by the Public Relations Committee. The amendment was seconded by Mr. McClellan. After some discussion, the amendment was adopted with one abstention. The Agenda as amended was then adopted by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered his report. During his trip to Washington, he was able to lobby members of Congress on various party issues, network with several natural allies of the party, and approach several contacts about speaking at the Convention.

The Chairman reminded the members that the state party conventions need to be called soon so that delegates to the National Convention can be elected.

The Chairman reported on an upcoming public demonstration relating to jobs and trade issues that the Party needs to support.

Finally, the Chairman urged the members to consider signing up to make automatic monthly contributions to the party.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes for the December 13, 2005 meeting of the National Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer referred the Committee to the full Report that has been published on the Reflector and on the Agenda web page. The current account balance is $8,984.84. The required monthly FEC reports have been prepared and submitted to the FEC; they may be reviewed on the FEC's public web site.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the Treasurer's report. The motion was seconded by Mr. White and adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the Resolution Regarding Converting an Organizing Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. McClellan.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas Article VIII, Section 8 of the Constitution of the America First Party, states in part, "In any state for which there is no affiliated state party, the National Committee shall be empowered to establish an organizing committee, and to establish rules for the operation thereof"; and,

Whereas Article VII, Section 4, states in part, "The Party Building Committee shall be responsible for developing for National Committee approval and implementing strategies to build and maintain the party as a major national political party"; and,

Whereas Article VII, Section 2, states in part, "The Rules Committee shall be responsible for ... developing and proposing other procedural rules, including amendments thereto, for the conduct of the party; working with various affiliated State Parties in development and adoption of their state party rules;" and,

Whereas it is incumbent upon the America First National Committee to adopt rules and procedures to ensure an open, fair, and comprehensible process for converting recognized organizing committees into affiliated State Parties;

Therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That an Organizing Committee may only take the steps necessary to form a State Party for the purpose of petitioning for affiliation using these procedures and any additional procedures adopted by the America First National Committee; and,

That at no time shall there be more than one Organizing Committee in a given state; and,

That unless otherwise instructed by the America First National Committee, the Party Building Committee is granted sole authority to determine whether an Organizing Committee has met the requirements for conversion into a State Party petitioning for affiliation; and,

That the Party Building Committee shall work to convert Organizing Committees into State Parties which seek affiliation with the America First National Committee where the following minimum requirements have been met:

1) Since recognition of the Organizing Committee by the National Committee, membership has grown by ten percent every three months;

2) The establishment of any legal entity(s) required by state or federal law for the Organizing Committee, with the advice and under the direction of the Rules Committee of the America First National Committee;

3) The establishment and maintenance, including all required reporting under state and federal laws and the relevant resolutions of the America First National Committee, of a bank account with a minimum average balance equal to five dollars per member of the Organizing Committee or $250, whichever is smaller;

4) Substantial steps toward the development of a state-level platform which deals with issues relevant to state and local issues and does not conflict with the Platform of the America First Party;

5) The development of proposed By-Laws for a State Party that comply with state and federal law and have been certified by the Rules Committee of the America First National Committee to be in compliance with the National Party Constitution and relevant resolutions of the America First National Committee;

6) A demonstrated commitment and activism by the members through successful and continuing participation in the Activist Program by bringing in new members and contacts, raising funds for the Organizing Committee and National Party, and demonstrating an ability to lead in public; and,

That the Founding Convention for the State Party shall be called by resolution of the Party Building Committee upon receipt of a petition from the Organizing Committee requesting a Founding Convention and certification by the Party Building Committee that the requirements above have been met; and,

That the Organizing Committee members and known prospects for a given state shall be sent a notice of the Founding Convention by the National secretary by mail and, where appropriate, e-mail at least 30 days prior to the meeting; and,

That the Founding Convention shall be conducted in-person and may not be conducted via teleconference or other electronic means; and,

That the Founding Convention shall be held in conformity with rules as may be promulgated by the America First National Committee; and,

That the Founding Convention shall not be considered valid unless attended by a number of members of the Organizing Committee who have been members for at least 30 days such that the number of such members present is the larger of the following options:

1) At least twenty percent (20%) of the entire membership of the Organizing Committee, but at no time should this requirement exceed 50 members; or,

2) Ten (10) members of the Organizing Committee;

That only members of the Organizing Committee may participate in the Founding Convention; and,

That a Petition for Affiliation shall be submitted to the National Secretary and shall be processed in accordance with the National Party Constitution and any relevant resolutions of the America First National Committee.

That the present Organizing Committee shall convert into said State Party upon the seating of the first of its National Committee members by the America First National Committee; and

That the Constitution and/or By-laws adopted at the Founding Convention for the new State Party shall take effect upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee; and

That all officers, committee chairmen, and any others elected to hold any position within the new State Party at the Founding Convention shall enter into such office or position upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee; and

That the Organizing Committee shall take no steps, legal or otherwise, beyond the acts taken at the Founding Convention, to further the conversion of that Organizing Committee into a state Party until the first National Committee member is seated by the National Committee, but shall continue to function as an Operating Committee under the appropriate rules for Organizing Committees until such time.

That the National Rules Committee shall be authorized to promulgate binding rules upon the Organizing Committee in the Conduct of election for all state party officials at the Founding Convention, such that those elections shall conform as closely as possible to the scheme described in the By-Laws of the new State Party

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee.

Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the Resolution Regarding Converting an Organizing Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. McHugh.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas it is incumbent upon the America First National Committee to assist Party members and Organizing Committees in the process of affiliation of new State Parties;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we do hereby adopt the attached "Affiliation Kit for Organizing Committees" to govern the conduct of the Founding Convention of State Parties, as described in the Resolution Regarding the Procedure for Converting an Organizing Committee into an Affiliated State Party.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the National Committee.

Mr. Hill moved the adoption of a Resolution regarding the Right to Life Act. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. McHugh.

A debate of the merits of the Resolution was held.

The Resolution reads as follows:


Whereas, The America First Party affirms in its platform that "principle espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and among them is the right to life;" and,

Whereas, we hold that "The right to life is not superseded by any foreign or domestic law;" and,

Whereas, "The America First Party recognizes that life begins at conception and continues until natural death;" and,

Whereas, "We support the overturning of Roe v. Wade and seek the passage and vigorous enforcement of legislation which protects the right to life, regardless of age or state of gestation;" and,

Whereas, Justice Harry Blackmun stated in section IX of the majority opinion in the case of Roe v. Wade, "If personhood is established, the case for legalized abortion collapses, for the fetus' right to life would be guaranteed by the 14th Amendment"; and

Whereas, "The Right to Life Act", House Resolution 552, was introduced more than one year ago and has languished in Committee ever since, with no action taken since it was referred to the Constitution Subcommittee; and,

Whereas, "The Right to Life Act" is a simply worded bill that, if enacted into law, would implement equal protection under law for the right to life of each born and preborn human person; and,

Whereas it is disgraceful that only 77 members of Congress have chosen to co-sponsor this important civil rights legislation, none of them Senators;

Now therefore be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That We call upon all members of Congress who claim to be Pro-Life or to be defenders of civil rights to provide proof of that claim through their co-sponsorship of "The Right to Life Act"; and,

That We call upon at least one Senator to introduce identical companion legislation in that body; and,

That we call upon Congress to take immediate action to bring "The Right to Life Act" to the floor of both chambers for a vote; and,

That we call upon all members of Congress who claim to be Pro-Life or to be defenders of civil rights to vote for this bill so that it may be presented to the President; and,

That we call upon President Bush to sign this bill into law as soon as he receives it; and,

That we condemn any member of Congress, the President, any organization, or citizen who claims to be Pro-Life who prevents these actions from being taken, either by opposition or negligence and apathy.

The Resolution was adopted by overwhelming majority, with one member opposed.

Mr. Hill moved the adoption of a Resolution regarding Border Security. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. McClellan.

After some debate, Mr. Hill moved an amendment to the clause relating to birthright citizenship. His amendment was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Resolution as amended reads as follows:


Whereas our national security and the safety of our citizens and legal residents of this great nation is in part dependent on security of our border and ports of entry; and,

Whereas those who illegally enter our nation by crossing our border by force, stealth, or subterfuge, or by violating the terms of their entry visa are rightly called "illegal aliens", not "undocumented workers"; and,

Whereas illegal aliens visit the burdens of crime, disease, exploding deficits, multilingualism, downward pressure on wages, and other injustices upon both citizens and legal immigrants alike; and,

Whereas the so-called "law abiding undocumented worker" does not exist, as every single one of them are breaking our Nation's laws every minute of every day that they remain and work within the borders of the United States of America; and,

Whereas the House of Representatives has recently passed H.R. 4437, the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act", and has presented it to the Senate for its consideration; and,

Whereas if this bill is enacted into law and enforced, many of the tools, resources, and regulations needed to secure our nations border will be provided to the government agencies responsible for that goal; and,

Whereas in 1986 our nation granted amnesty to 6 million illegal aliens, which served only to attract nearly 20 million more illegal aliens; and,

Whereas any law which forgives past or ongoing crimes by definition gives amnesty for those crimes; and,

Whereas President Bush and certain Congressional leaders are attempting to add a so-called "guest or temporary worker" program to the Senate version of this important legislation;

Now be it Resolved by the America First National Committee:

That we condemn the attempts being made by illegal immigrant activist groups, cultural terrorist groups, and lobbyist, ambassadors, and foreign leaders who seek to derail this important legislation; and,

That we applaud the House of Representatives for passing H.R. 4437; and,

That we call upon the Senate to improve this bill by taking whatever legal steps are possible to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens; and,

That we call upon the Senate to improve this bill by requiring employer compliance with the 1986 Immigration Reform Act within 1 year, instead of the 6 years provided in the version adopted by the House of Representatives, as employers have already had 20 years to ensure that no employee is illegally working in our nation; and,

That we call upon the Senate to reject any changes to this bill that would harm the ability of our Border Patrol, I.C.E., National Guard, military, local law enforcement, or any other government agency from enforcing our immigration laws and protecting our nation, or would criminalize otherwise legal citizen border patrol assistance efforts; and,

That we call upon the Senate to reject all attempts to add amnesty for illegal aliens to this important legislation.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of a Resolution relating to the re-publication of content owned by the party. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White.

A technical amendment was made by Mrs. Winters, seconded by Mr. Hill, and adopted by unanimous vote.

The Resolution as amended reads as follows:

Whereas, original content of national party publications is the property of the America First National Committee, and can not be legally reprinted without the permission of the same, and;

Whereas, this same original content can be useful to America First Party state affiliates in their publications:

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That original content of official publications of the national party be made available to the state parties for republication by them, with the permission of the America First Party Public Relations Committee.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

A short time of questions and answers was held.

There being no further business, Mrs. Winters moved that the National Committee adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and adopted by unanimous vote. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. ECT.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

Appendix "A"

Affiliation Kit for Organizing Committees

Sample Agenda

Founding Convention
America First Party of _______

Held on _________ (insert date here)

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Invocation

4. Opening Remarks by the Organizing Committee Chairman

5. Declaration of Intent by Attendees to Form the State Party; attendees shall individually subscribe to a copy of the Mission Statement, Principles, Platform, and Resolution of Founding at this time, or at such time as they join the meeting.

6. Resolution Founding the State Party

7. Resolution enacting Party By-laws

8. Resolution adopting Party Mission Statement, Principles and Platform

9. Resolution adopting State Party Platform [optional]

10. Election of State Party Chairman

11. Election of State Party Vice-Chairman

12. Election of State Party Secretary

13. Election of State Party Treasurer

14. Election of Two National Committee Member candidates

15. Resolution Submitting National Committee Member candidates to the America First National Committee

16. Election of delegates and alternates to the National Convention

17. Election of other State Executive Committee representatives

18. New business

19. Adjourn


Resolution of Founding
America First Party of (state)

Resolved this the ____ day of ______, ________:

That Citizens and Members of the America First Party National Membership Organization of the State of (state) and of this state's Organizing Committee hereby covenant together to found the America First Party of (state); and

That the purpose of said State Party shall be to promote the mission, principles, and platform of the America First Party, and to carry out the political and electoral action necessary to see them implemented at the local and state levels; and

That the Founding Members of the State Party shall consist of such persons whose signatures appear upon the attached Declaration of Intent; and

That the present Organizing Committee shall convert into said State Party upon the seating of the first of its National Committee members by the America First National Committee; and

That the official name of the present Organizing Committee shall become the "America First Party of (state)" upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee; and

That the Constitution and/or By-laws hereafter adopted for the new State Party shall take effect upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee; and

That all officers, committee chairmen, and any others elected to hold any position within the new State Party at this Convention shall enter into such office or position upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee; and

That upon the seating of said National Committee member by the America First National Committee, the State Party officers shall be authorized to take all steps necessary and proper to legally convert the Organizing Committee or create a State Party as may be required by applicable state law; and

That the Organizing Committee shall take no steps, legal or otherwise, beyond the acts taken at this Convention, to further the conversion of this Organizing Committee into a state Party until the first National Committee member is seated by the National Committee, but shall continue to function as an Organizing Committee under the appropriate rules for Organizing Committees until such time.


Resolution Enacting Party By-Laws

Resolved, that this Convention hereby adopts the Party By-Laws as attached hereto and made a part hereof for the governance of the America First Party of (state); and

That said By-Laws shall take force and effect upon the seating of the first State Party's National Committee members by the America First National Committee.


Resolution Adopting Party Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform

Resolved, that this Convention hereby Accepts and Adopts the Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform of the America First Party; and

That this Convention hereby binds the America First Party of (state) by these same Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform; and

That this Convention and each of its members, covenant together to do all things necessary and proper to support, defend, and advance these articles of the Party.


Resolution Adopting State Party Platform [optional]

Resolved, that this Convention hereby Adopts the State Party Platform of the America First Party of (state) as attached hereto and made a part hereof; and

That this Convention and each of its members, covenant together to do all things necessary and proper to support, defend, and advance this State Party Platform.


Resolution Submitting National Committee Members to the America First National Committee

Be it Resolved that this Convention hereby submits to the America First National Committee the names of ________________ and _________________ as the National Committee Member candidates representing the America First Party of (state), and petitions that they be seated by said National Committee as soon as is practicable and allowable under the party Constitution; and

That the Organizing Committee Chairman and Secretary are directed to convey this Resolution to the National Secretary of the America First National Committee forthwith.


Declaration of Intent

We the undersigned members of the America First Party National Membership Organization and of the Organizing Committee pledge and covenant on this the ____ day of ____________, ___________:

That we support the mission, principles, platform, and candidates of the America First Party; and

That we hereby declare our intention to form a State Party affiliated with the America First Party; and

That we agree to submit to the rules for the conduct of the Convention as set forth by the America First National Committee; and

That we shall fully and enthusiastically support the decisions made at this Convention.

Print Name Signature____________________________









America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.