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Minutes of the America First National Committee

Monday, October 16, 2006

BE IT REMEMBERED that the America First National Committee met on Monday, October 16, 2006 at 9 p.m. East Coast Time, pursuant to the Resolution of the Operating Committee adopted on October 9, 2006.

The Chairman led the National Committee in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Hey delivered the Invocation.

The Secretary called the roll of National Committee members.


  • Martin McClellan of Florida
  • Tim Lohrmann of Idaho
  • Jonathan Hill of Massachusetts, National Chairman
  • Tom White of Massachusetts
  • Dan Eller of Michigan
  • John Wagner of Michigan
  • John Pittman Hey of Mississippi, National Secretary and Treasurer
  • Trey Golmon of Mississippi
  • Romelle Winters of New Hampshire
  • Joe Spitzig of Ohio
  • David Thomas of Pennsylvania
  • Sam Cross of Pennsylvania
  • Frank Hackl of Wisconsin


  • Bradley Maurer of New York
  • Jim Arft of New York
  • Ward Chorpenning of Ohio
  • Greg Roberts of Missouri
  • Larry Carroll of Colorado
  • Anne O'Brien of Colorado
  • Peter Browning of Florida
  • Maureen McHugh of Illinois

Mike Eller of Michigan, Finance Committee Chairman

A Quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:22 p.m. ECT.

The Credentials Report was reviewed, and no changes were proposed. Mr. Hey moved that the Credentials Report be adopted as presented above. His motion was seconded by Mr. McClellan and approved by unanimous vote.

Mrs. Winters moved that the Agenda be adopted as presented. Her motion was seconded by Mr. White. The Agenda was approved by unanimous vote.

The Chairman delivered his report. He reported that four press releases have been sent out since the last meeting. He described the need for an upgrade to the party's web hosting service. He described several radio appearances he has made to promote the party. A lengthy article on Middle East policy has been published. The Chairman reported his participation in numerous party building and public relations committee meetings. He described the pending resolution to recognize an Organizing Committee in Arizona. He discussed Martin McClellan's respectable showing in the school board election in Brevard County.

The Secretary reminded the members that he had previously circulated draft minutes for the July 17, 2006 meeting of the National Committee. Mr. Hey moved the adoption of the minutes. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Winters. Mr. Hey moved that the published draft minutes be amended to add the name of Tim Lohrmann as having attended the meeting. The amendment was seconded by Mrs. Winters and adopted by unanimous consent. The minutes, as amended, were adopted by unanimous vote.

The Treasurer referred the Committee to the full Report that has been published on the Reflector and on the Agenda web page. The current account balance is $4616.43. The required monthly FEC reports have been prepared and submitted to the FEC; they may be reviewed on the FEC's public web site.

Mrs. Winters moved the adoption of a Resolution forwarded by the Finance Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. White and reads as follows:

Web Hosting and Toll-Free Number Costs


That, the America First National Committee pay the monthly web hosting fees and incidental costs for, not to exceed $700 per year; and,

That, the America First National Committee pay all monthly and semi-monthly service fees for the National toll free phone number 866-SOS-USA-1.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

A discussion was held regarding the Finance Committee recommendation for the approval of the following Resolution.

Mr. McClellan moved the adoption of a Resolution forwarded by the Party Building Committee, recommended by the Finance Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters.

Mr. Hill passed the gavel to Mr. McClellan. He moved an amendment to correct the Resolution. His amendment was seconded by Mr. Hey and adopted by unanimous vote. Mr. Hill reclaimed the gavel.

The Resolution, as amended, reads as follows:

Resolution Authorizing the Pamphleteering and Petitioning Activist Programs and Approving a Party Building Budget Request

Whereas, the Party Building Committee is responsible for developing for National Committee approval and implementing strategies to build and maintain the party as a major national political party; and working with the various State Parties to build and maintain the party as a major political party within each state; and

Whereas, the Party Building Committee has developed Activist Programs, titled the "Patriot ID", "Pamphleteering" and "Petitioning" Activist Programs, which can assist volunteers in bringing new contacts to the party's attention; and

Whereas, the Party Building Committee has forwarded its plans, along with a proposed budget, to the Finance Committee and National Committee;

Now therefore be it resolved by the America First National Committee:

That the "Pamphleteering" and "Petitioning" Activist Programs are hereby approved; and

That the Party Building Committee is hereby authorized to spend the funds allocated in the submitted budget up to the amount of $2,740, at the discretion of the Finance Committee, for the conduct of the entire Activist Program from now through December 31, 2007.

Proposed Party Building Budget - Activist Program

1. Mailing of 250 letters / month to solicit volunteers for the Program: $2000.00. This budget item would cover the cost of preparing, printing, and mailing up to 250 letters per month to party members to solicit their membership in the program. A letter, a sign-up form, and a return envelope would be included.

2. Preparation and mailing of volunteer packets: $440.00. This item would cover the cost of preparing and mailing packets of information and materials to 40 volunteers. These packets would require a priority mail envelope and approximately 20 pages of printed materials, and would include either 100 party pamphlets, or 10 petitions, or forms for the Patriot ID Program. Cost of the materials and postage is $11 per volunteer.

3. Cost of prizes and promotions: $300.00. This item would cover the cost of shirts, literature, caps, etc., to be awarded to volunteers for turning in the most contacts, etc.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the adoption of a Resolution forwarded by the Finance Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mr. McClellan. The Resolution reads as follows:

Budget Request for Newsletters

Resolved, by the America First National Committee:

That up to $2000 be allocated for the printing of 2,000 "Fall 2006" newsletters; and,

That funds may be borrowed for this purpose from the party Prospecting Fund, provided that the Fall newsletter returns be first applied to repayment of these borrowed funds, and,

That up to $2000 be allocated for the printing of 2,000 "Introductory Newsletters" when the funds become available in the general fund for this purpose.

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

Mr. White moved the adoption of a Resolution forwarded by the Party Building Committee. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution reads as follows:

Recognition of Arizona Organizing Committee

Whereas, the Arizona provisional Organizing Committee is petitioning for recognition by the America First National Committee; and,

Whereas, the Arizona Organizing Committee has adopted resolutions accepting the Mission Statement, Principles, and Platform; and,

Whereas, the Arizona Organizing Committee has also adopted the bylaws prescribed by the National Committee, and completed all necessary requirements at its Founding Meeting,

Therefore, be it resolved by the America First National Committee that:

The Arizona Provisional Organizing Committee be recognized as the official Organizing Committee of the America First Party.

A Roll call vote was taken, with the following result:

Ayes - McClellan, Lohrmann, Hill, White, Eller, Wagner, Hey, Golmon, Winters, Spitzig, Thomas, Cross and Hackl.

Nays - None

The Resolution was therefore adopted by a majority of all the members of the National Committee.

Mr. White moved the adoption of a Resolution forwarded by the Party Building Committee after the Agenda had already been published. The Resolution was seconded by Mrs. Winters. The Resolution reads as follows:

Resolution to Correct the Platform

The National Committee hereby adopts the following amendments to the Party Platform:

1. in the new "Encourage Illegal Immigrant Departure" section:

a. subsection 5: replace "bank accounts" with "accounts in banks or other U. S. financial institutions"

b. subsection 6: replace "fail to enforce" with "evade enforcement of"

2. In the new "Health Care" plank:

a. subsection 2: insert after "and no person" the phrase and punctuation ", including the patient,"

3. In the new "Death Penalty" plank:

a. replace the phrase: "Thus the issues become when should the imposition of such a penalty be allowed by law, and what constitutes "due process" in such a case." with the words and bullet list:

"Thus the issues become:
- When should the imposition of such a penalty be allowed by law, and
- What constitutes "due process" in such a case?"

b. subsection 4: insert the word "to" after the word "jury"

The Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote.

The National Committee members from Michigan led a discussion concerning two ideas they submitted for possible press releases. The consensus is that the ideas should be circulated on the Leaders email reflector for discussion and finalization into resolution form.

A discussion was held on the revision of an "introductory statement" for the party platform.

A general time of discussion took place.

There being no further business, Mrs. Winters moved that the National Committee adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hackl and adopted by unanimous vote. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:34 p.m. ECT.

Respectfully submitted,

John Pittman Hey
National Secretary
America First National Committee

America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
Telephone (866) SOS-USA1 ~ Fax (662) 453-7787 ~ E-mail
Paid for by the America First National Committee
John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
Copyright © 2002-2016 by the America First National Committee. All Rights Reserved.