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America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No Amnesty, Secure the Borders

Boulder, CO -- Illegal aliens and their supporters demonstrate in the streets, and the Judiciary Committee forwards to the Senate floor a bill that undermines the rule of law by offering amnesty to illegal aliens. The America First Party denounces both these actions.

The America First National Committee has adopted a strongly worded resolution calling upon the Senate to pass serious immigration reform legislation (as the House did in passing HR 4437), to reject amnesty under any Orwellian naming scheme, and to put off consideration of a guest worker program until our nation's borders are secure.

National Chairman Dan Charles said, "Without secure borders, the citizens of this nation are not safe, the economic well being of working families is endangered, and our unique American culture is damaged. We welcome immigrants who enter and remain in this country legally, but those rightly called illegal immigrants should be sent home."

The National Committee resolution states that illegal aliens create a myriad of problems for the citizens -- both fiscal and social. Open borders have led to increased crime rates, disease, multilingualism, costs to the taxpayers of hundreds of billions of dollars, and downward pressure on wages - just to name a few of the many injuries suffered by both citizens and legal aliens.

Mr. Charles continued, "The term 'law-abiding undocumented worker' is an oxymoron. People who sneak into our country, overstay their visa, or fraudulently acquire a visa, are not law abiding. They are breaking our laws every minute of every day they remain in our country illegally."

Press Secretary Romelle Winters added, "In 1986, our Congress declared an amnesty for over 6 million illegal aliens. This action did not stop the influx. Instead, it encouraged others to continue to invade our nation. Once President Bush made campaign promises to support yet another amnesty, the invasion expanded by millions each year -- many of whom seem to be Islamic radicals and self-avowed Al Qaeda members."

In its resolution, the National Committee also commended the House for passing HR 4437. It calls upon the Senate to strengthen the legislation by adding a clause to end birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens. It further calls for the final legislation to require the enforcement of the 1986 Immigration Reform Act within one year instead of the six years recommended by the House.

Mr. Charles concluded, "We say to the Senate: follow the lead of the House, follow the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, follow the findings of a commission lead long ago by Democrat icon Barbara Jordan, stand up to the ethnic lobbies and corporate interests and follow the activism of Cesar Chavez by adopting legislation that secures our borders and unequivocally declares what we know to be true. Illegal immigration is a crime that harms the American people and endangers our national security."

The resolution adopted by the America First National Committee is available on the Party's website here.

The America First Party was founded in April 2002 and is focused on electing principled citizen statesmen who will preserve and protect our people and our sovereignty, promote economic growth and independence, encourage the traditional values of faith, family, and responsibility, ensure equality before the law in protecting those rights granted by the Creator, and clean up our corrupted political system. In 2004, the AFP elected two-thirds of its candidates to public office.

Dan Charles, National Chairman, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 4
Romelle Winters, Press Secretary, 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext. 2


America First Party ~ 405 River Road ~ Greenwood, Mississippi 38930
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John Pittman Hey, National Treasurer
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